Chapter 11 - Dru, get yo ass over here-

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Dru- right... Dru. It's been a while since he was used- so, i'm gonna focus this chapter mostly on him, if i can finish this on-time- ehehe-right, i should get started- (This'll be basically my thought process writing the chapter, finer touches laterrrr- Dont mind the Phighting! OST there, just added it for shits and giggles.)




Dru, the aggeresive lemonshork had watched from afar, seeing the other gootraxians fight, ocassinally fighting with them himself. The horror, goo everywhere- wait, i'm getting off track- right, Dru even though he was alone, thrived well, the scientists left him alone for god knows why, but he didn't mind that one bit.

(Adding useless words to fill in blanks, i can't take my own writing anymore.)

He hadn't been so worried for Glorious, seeing as he hadn't seen them, yet.


Dru's POV (Give me theraphy please.)


God, why is it a Thursday? ,Dru thought, his steps thumping as he walked towards the café where Sprinklekit and her sisters worked around the clock. His shark tail swayed behind him, lashing at the few boxes that were strewn around the place, looked like they were renovating the place, that's new, he thought, walking up to the café front, waiting patiently whilest tapping his claw on the metal.

A cheerful, chocolate sprinklekit, Coco, bounced up to the counter, greeting Dru with a smile, " What can i get cha today Dru? " Coco asked, placing their paws on the counter with a friendly smile.

" Just a cheese sandwich thank you Coco. " Dru said, patting the sprinklekit on the head, heading off to a table to wait for his food.

" On it! " Coco chirped, heading out back to get the three other sprinklekit's to work, Dru didn't know how they could do it, but they did.

Soon enough, the strawberry sprinklekit, Straw, came skipping over to his table placing a plate with a hot, steamy cheese sandwich.

" Thank you Straw, you have a nice day. " Dru said, his blank expression looking a bit unwelcoming.

" No problems Dru! " Straw said, walking back into the kitchen, muffled yelling could be heard from the siblings as they argued like normal.

Siblings, Dru thought, biting down on the sandwich, chewing and swallowing, it was a rutine, he'd get up, walk here, eat, walk around, go home, sleep, rinse and repeat. It wasn't all that boring, he ocasinally got into fights, a few scrathes, nothing he couldn't handle.

But one thing was bothering him, the lonelyness, about a month after Glorious left, (I need to change that name so badly-) it made him realize how little he used half of his den, it just felt, empty without the hazzy gootraxian in it.

He was rethinking his choices in sending him away with that Sinox, they were known for being hostile towards other gootraxians.

He just hoped he'd made the right decision.


Moving over to Neo and Glorious.


Neo was pulling his hair out, this freaking slimepup, which Glorious was insisting they had to keep, was absolutely wreaking chaos in their den, disrupting the beds, knocking over hazmats so they ripped, and bending Glorious's katana in half. Neo was ready to murder it, get it out or scarifice it to the humans, but NOPE, Glorious was insistant that it had to stay, it was driving him up the wall!

Meanwhile, Glorious was playing with the pup outside, letting it chase him and tackle him. He knew this innocent pup would soon grow out of playing and slowly morph into a hound, at that point, he'd have to let the pup go.

(Sigh) Leaving it here since i don't know what else to write, I hope you enjoy the update, it's been more than a month since the last one, anyway, i'll get going, gonna see if i get any other ideas.

Word count: 629 words

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2023 ⏰

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