Chapter 3 - Reliseation

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Most of this chapter is inspired and motovated by CutePinkReader64 !


Neo's POV


He woke up on a grassy patch, he didn't recall what had happened or why he was lying on a grass bed. Wait, He thought, Grass bed? He darted up, suddenely aware that he didn't know where we was or how he had gotten there at all. He looked down, his face disolved into a mix of terror and sadness. His hands, no paws were a light purple with the underside being a bioluminecent teal, he sat there for a little while observing his new body, not noiticing the gootrax standing in the corner, watching Neo while waiting to speak to him. He looked up after a few minutes and noticed the gootraxian and yelped. " Oh, you're awake! " , The gootraxian said, seamingly a bit awkward, " You've been out for the rest of the Blackout, i brought you here to my base after you had transfurred. " The Gootrax scrathed its head. Neo looked at them, recognising the gootrax from earlier. " Hey, it's you! you followed me before! " He said, sitting up abructly. " Oh... sorry for that, i was curious what you were doing, i don't usually see huamns anymore... " the gootraxian trailed off. Neo looked at them, a bit confused on why they stoped, but shoke it off. " So... whats your name? " Neo asked, changing the subject. " I'm Neo, Neo Graymark. " he added, as not to be disrespectful. the Gootraxian replyed; " Glorious, just Glorious " The gootrax said, a bit happier that the subject was changed.

They had spoke for a while after Neo had woke up, Glorious had said he would go out to find food, he had nodded and went back to sleep. He was shook roughly, he slowly opened his eyes, seeing Glorious in-front of him. " Hey uh Neo, i would like you to met someone. " The hazmated gootrax said.


Glorious's POV


He stood there awkwardly, Dru behind him. " Dru, this is Neo, Neo, this is Dru. " He introduced them both to eachother, trying to smile while Dru, a pretty aggersive lemonshark stared down at the newly transfurred gootraxian with an ice cold stare. Glorious wasn't sure they would get along, though Neo didn't have anywhere to go, and there wasn't any other gootraxians who would take in a newer goo, so here they were. Glorious glanced at Dru and widned his eyes, Dru had unsheathed his claws, ready to strike Neo. " Why did you bring it in here? " The lemonshark said through grited teeth, " I told you that no more gootraxians would be welcome here! " Dru's eyes were full of rage, and what seamed like disgust, Glorious looked down, ahamed of what he had done. " Get out, both of you. " Dru said, displaying a large amont of disgust for Glorious and Neo. " Take your shit and leave, and don't even think of comming back, you are not welcome in my den no more " . Glorious stared at the shark for a moment, tear rised in his eyes, he had lost his long time friend. " Come on Neo, let's get my stuff and go... " He said, stalking off to what had been his part of the den, Glorious grabbed his bag, shoving his stuff in it. Neo stood in the corner, hands behind back. He grabbed Neo by the arm and stormed out, leaving Dru alone in his den.

They had been walking for a bit after he had been kicked out and had reached the crystal cave, Glorious sighed, looked aroung and puled his katana from its sheath. " Be careful, humans walk around here at times, stay close. " He said, starting to slowly advance through the cave, looking for an opening in tha cave wall, fortunally, he saw one. Glorious dragged Neo over to the slit in the wall, forcing himself inside. The den was uncoupied, perfect. He set the backpack in a corner, looking around for anything that could make a nice nest spot. " Hey, uh, sorry for getting you kicked out, i really am. " Neo sat in a small circle on the den's floor, Glorious couldn't read his expersion, as he had his face in his hands. " It's not your fault Neo, i brought you there, i should've expected it. " He said, droping into a crouch beside him. " Becides, we have a den to ourselves now, and its a bit larger than the old one " Glorious smiled, patting Neo on the back, " Now, i'll get something to make nests with, you can explore the cave a bit, if you find any hazmats, but it on, it helps with protecting your fur. " He added at the end, waving to Neo as he went outside to look for matireal.


Neo's POV


Neo watched the red gootraxian leave, sitting there for a moment before getting up and going out after Glorious, he noted that he should be careful since his fur colour stood out like a light beam. Slowly he moved along the wall, in the distance he could see a shelf with soem king of suit on it. A hazmat probraly, he thought, starting to job towards it. Out of nowhere, a heavy body landed on his back, he twisted to get ahold of whatever had jumped on him. He unsheathed his claws, raking the side of the creature. He turned around to face it and noticed the almost puke coloured fur, the same rabbit he had fought earlier had tried to shred his fur off. Enraged, he slammed his fist into the rabbits head, seamingly denting it, the rabbit looked up and jumped, landing behind him, he tried to turn around again but unfortunally the rabbit had jumped onto his shoulders, making him fall forward onto the crystal coverd ground. Neo was trapped, he tried twisting out of the rabbits grasp but to no avail. The rabbit started ripping his fur out, making him yelp in pain. The Nucelarrabbit grinned, while distracted, he swung his elbow into the rabbits jaw, something snapped, probraly the rabbits jaw. It got off him and scurried away. He brushed the dust off him, the pain in his back was exruciating, but he would have to deal with it until he got back to the den. Neo snatched the hazmat before going back to the den.

He must of passed out once he had gotten back because the next thing Neo saw was Glorious standing above him with a worried look. " You were on the den floor bleeding when i came back, i patched you up, but you lost a whole lot of blood. " The red gootraxian said, sitting down beside him. " Also, here, i found a book with transfurs laying out in the open, maybe we could find whatever you are in here. " Glorious still looked worried, but his tone had clamed down a tad bit. They sat on the den floor for a while, flipping the pages until they found what Neo was, he stared for a minute, a bit sad again. He continued flipping through the pages, finally he found a page titled 'Hazzy' . It looked an awfully lot like Glorious. He looked at Glorious and then the page again, sure enough, it was exactly the same. " Glori, i found what gootraxian you are, it says Hazzy, a human with a hazmat infected by any gootrax will start to feel the suit shake uncontorlably until the human itself has became a red fox like gootrax with draker spots at the end on each limbs and white belly fur. " He read what the disciption had to say, looking at Glorious who nodded silently. " I wasn't a human though, i was natrually created. " The Hazzy said, looking at Neo. Neo nodded.

(Seams like Glorious lost his best friend, wonder whats going on?) Total Word count: 1336

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