Chapter 2 - Outbreak

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This part will be released early, since i don't have many ideas right now and need some, feel free to comment on this and give some ideas, now let me get to writing.

It had been a few days since Neo had started, he had gotten used to the subjects now, that the other scientist call 'Gootraxians' . He yawned, he had been sitting at his desk in his room finishing a report about a testing between a Gootrax called 'Jammer' , there was nothing special about the Gootrax, other than it loved pop music. Honestly, Neo thought it was boring he really couldn't complain, this was the only good job avalible and he didn't want to lose it. 

A what sounded like a pre-recoreded message blared through the intercoms when everything went black. " Sudden distubence in the power grid, unable to initiate low power mode, please remain clam while we fix this issuse. " . The inthercom cut, leaving panic amung the employes. Neo didn't know what was going on, so he picked up the weopon Dr.Blackthorn had given him, a wooden bat.

He quickly pulled a torn t-shirt over himself, grabbing his backpack aswell and slowly walking out of the room. God, i can't see, He thought to himself, aimlessly walking the corridors. Something made a loud thud behing him, turning around he stod face to face with a gootraxian Jace had refered to as 'Nuclearrabbit' , to Neo, it looked hiddius, its almost puke coloured fur stood out like a beacon in the darkness. The Gootraxian started charging at him, full speed. Neo held onto his bat thightly when the Nuclearrabbit crashed into him, knocking him backwards into a wall. Not good, Neo thought, raising the bat to protect himself. The Rabbit came at him once again, this time he slamed the bat into its skull, crushing it partly. The gootrax steped back a bit before scrathing him on the arm. It burned with pain, but it didn't seam like the gootrax was attacking him anymore, instead, it had ran away.

He'd been walking for a while now, unable to find shelther or weopons. Soon he spotted something in the distance, it was glowing faintly. Neo rushed towards it, failing to avoid tumbling onto the concrete floor. He scrambled up, continuing to rush over to the glow. Once he arrived, Neo stopped to take a breather, looking up he was the faintly glowing thing, wich had been a lab coat, relived, he grabbed it, shrugging it on. The faint glow felt comforting, like some safe haven of sorts. Neo continued walking, triping over crystals on the floor, they did no harm, due to them being so very small. Regaining his footing, he walked for what seamed to be ages, untill he saw the faint light of a flashlight, he felt hopeful for a moment before he noticed that the flashlight was alone, no other living being in sight. Neo sighed and continued walking.


Glorious's POV.


The fox like gootrax stood and watched from a far with curiosity, Glorious had been folowing the human allmost the entire Blackout, wondering what it was doing. The human had stoped at stared at the flashlight left by another human wich Glorious was pretty sure had been transfurred by a WatermelonShark. He watched the human walk away, it seamed to have a faintly glowing lab coat on, but besides that point they didn't look harmed. Glorious hurried after, keeping a fair distance away not to be caught by it, soon enough the human stoped, turned and ran straight at him. He jumped, starting to back away.

" I heard someone behind me and i was right! " The human said, holding the bat it carried high above its head, ready to strike the poor gootraxian. Glorious fumbled for the right words, tumbling over his own sentence mulipule times, " I- I no- I no harm-! " He managed to get out, straing at the human. It hadn't seamed to calm down what-so-ever. " Tell me who you are! Or you'll have my bat to your face. " It said, raisig the bat behind its back, preparing to strike. Glorious yelped, triping backwards into a shelf and promtly hitting his head on a crate. " N-name is G-Glorious-! " He siad with terror for the bat that could rip his only protection up. " ... " It stood there silently before lowering its bat, walking off.

Glorious sat in the grass, trying to patch up the backside of his head, he wished Dru was here, the kind shark had allways helped him. He sighed, finished with the bandages. Now what? He thought, staring into the rocky celling, My only solution is gone, and what about Dru? Where is he... , his thoughts wandered, though inturupted by a loud sreech. He jumped up, running towards the sound. When he got there, Glorious looked at the human that had allmost attacked him earlier, it was on the ground, the lab coat seamed to merge with the human as what looked like purple tuffs of fur started covering its body, slowly, and probarly also painfully turning him into a gootraxian. Glorious watched the entire prosses, when the human was fully transfurred, he slowly padded over, grabbed them by the shoulders and hauled the now transfurred human to his base.


This took a while to finish, let me know what i should do for the next chapter, i ran out of ideas for this one. Total Word Count: 924  (Neo is in for truble, wonder what happens next?)


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