Chapter 4 - A surprise visit

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Something isn't right, uh yeah, i can't write a lot right now, i posted this when i finished the first POV due to having a doctors apointment.


Glorious's POV


He sat on the den's floor, trying to find a nice spot to put all the bedding down on. Deciding to place it in the corner, he laid the first batch down, spreading it out on the cave floor. Once done, he placed the rest a bit further away, making Neo's bed. " Glorious? " His ears pircked up, looking behind him he saw someone, but he didn't know who. The figure steped a bit further inside, what looked like yellow-orange fur and cat ears and tail met him. " Zander? " Glorious said confused, wondering how the subject had escaped the humans, " How did you get out? " He asked, curious. " You remember that Blackout a few days ago right? " Glorious nodded, " Well, all the doors were open, and uh...Melion and I got out. " The yellow gootrax finished, looking down. Glorious was overjoyed, it had been months since he had seen Zander last. " Come sit, not on that bed though, it's my den partners. " He said, beckoning the cat gootraxian to sit on his bed. Zander quitely sat down next to Glorious, sitting with a straight back and paws on his knees. " Tell me how you've been. " Glorious said, shining with a bright face while listening to Zander talk about what had happened in the last month.


Neo's POV


He stood by the den opening, staring at the Catte sitting with Glorious, he was confused, who were they? Why did they know his den partner? Why were they there? The questions flooded his mind as he backed away from the enternce, starting to walk in the direction of the large, metal beams in the ground, put there by scientists to steady the roof. He keept walking, not noticing the person walking behind hi with a raised bat. He knew it when it was too late, suddenly the bat slammed into his head, making him tumble onto the cave floor, out cold.

Neo woke up in a cold, bare room with nothing but a stained glass window, he streched his paws before rising onto two legs, he felt around his head to find anything, nothing. He sighed, sat down again and stared at what had to be the door. Soon enough, a person dressed in heavy armor entered the room, followed by a familiar, short scientist with a grin on his face. Dr.Blackthorn, Neo thought, looking at the short man, he was grinning, but for what Neo didn't know. " So, you were dumb enough to put a lab coat on durring a Blackout eh? " The doctor smicked, he knew and Neo knew he wouldn't get away with lying. " Now tell me, where is that dear friend of yours? The Hazzy. " Dr.Blackthorn's voice was dark and commanding. " No way in hell i'll tell you prick! " Neo yelled, giving the doctor an ice cold stare. " Well then, i'll have to get it out of you then in another way. " He smircked.


Glorious's POV


Zander had left, and Neo wasn't back. The Sinox gootraxian should have been back hours ago, but he wasn't back, Glorious had started worrying about his whereabouts, he went around the other dens nearby in hopes of finding anyone who had seen him, but the answer was always no. Now he sat on the cold, hard stone that made up most of the den space. Best he could do now was sleep, in the morning he would have to hunt, he hadn't eaten since they arrived at the den. He curled up into a small ball on his nest, slowly drifing off into sleep.

He was running, from what, he didn't know, but his instincts told him to run and never stop. He triped over stones and ocasinally got his foot stuck in a rabbit hole of some sort, he pulled at his foot, trying to losen it, the 'Thing' chasing him got closer and closer. Abructly, everything turned black and he was back in the den, the cold stone walls around him. Just a dream, He told himself while laborishly rising from his nest, Neo's bed looked cold and unwelcoming. He shuddered, going outside of the den to hunt, the faint light from the Kaiju crystals iluminated most of his surroundings. He creeped along the wall, syping for any unfortunate slimepups in the area. A small shape moved along the crystals a fair bit away from the hazzy. The light blue body shone a diamond colouring. Glorious slowly creeped up on the unsuspecting slimepup, unsheathing his claws and pierceing the back, impailing the ograns of the poor silmepup. He shoved the pup in his backpack before returning to his den to eat.

Total Word Count: 828 (Neo is cought, and Glorious is worried, wonder whats going on with Neo.)

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