Chapter 10 - parents scare me-

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Credits to @Dude98362 for the chapter idea, check em out and read their stories, i am promoting a fellow writer (who is way better than me at writing, just saying)

anyway- let's get this started.


Starting with Narrator again because well uhm, i can't even start to explain in one of the characters POV's so, here we go.


The Nightcrawler, wanting to be called Iso, is pretty docile, not like the one mister Jace let escape (>_> looking at you Jace, for more info on that, read the backstory book, first chapter).

Glorious has uh, swarmed Neo with many, many curses and lectures when he got back, and Neo hasn't been able to go out for the past few hours.

Meanwhile, at the front desk...


At the front desk...


" Ma'am- please don't shou- "

" WHERE.IS.MY.CHILD. " The woman slammed her fist on the desk, making the employee jump.

" Ma'am, i'm just the receptionist- " The employee said, trying to calm the woman down.

" WELL GET SOMEBODY THAT KNOWS! " The very frustrated woman yelled, staring down the employee.

" Okay okay! " The employee said, calling one of the other employees to get somebody inside the facility out here because there was a very angry woman screaming her head off. " They'll be here shortly Ma'am. "

" Good. " The woman looked pleased, walking over to the waiting area, sitting down and waiting.

Within a few minutes, Jace, along side Florence walked into the reception area, waving goodbye to the mantinese guy.

" You must be the woman he was talking about, nice to meet you, I'm Jace Hallow, this here is Florence Weed. What do you need help with Ma'am? "

The woman smiled sweetly, nodding slightly. " Nice to meet you Jace, I'm Jackie Graymak, i'm here to take my son home, his name is Neo Graymark. " The woman now known as Mrs.Graymark replied to Jace, looking his straight in the eye.

" Ah, Neo? He's doing fine Ma'am, he enjoys it here quite a bit, is Mr.Graymark here? " Jace tried to move to the topic, trying to seem a bit more sure of his words, but obviously that wasn't working.

" I'd like to see my son please. " Mrs.Graymark said coldly, staring at Jace. " Now. "

Jace sighed, whispering something to Florence, Florence nodded, leaving.

" Florence will get Neo for you Ma'am, please do stay seated while you wait. " Jace reasured her, turning to follow Florence.


With Neo and Glorious (Plus the Nightcrawler)


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