Chapter 1 - The start.

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Hey! Uh, you're here to read this right? Good! Because before we start i have to warn you, there will be some missspelling in this, feel free to correct it though, and i'm also open to suggestions for chapers, but i will not do any NSFW. With that in mind, let's start this!

Neo sat at his desk, browsing work opportunity's online. Most of them didn't pay well and he had started losing hope with finding a well-paying job. He was mindlessly scrolling when something cought his eye, " Lamanix Labs ", hm, he thought, clicking on it. And low and behold, an open and high-paying job! He checked the open positions, Scientist was the only open one at the moment. He signed up for it, and then closed his laptop, eager to find out if he got accepted or not, walking over to his bed and floped down.

He woke up to his alarm clock blareing in his ears, groaning he sat up, rubbing his scalp. Slowly getting up, he walked to his desk and opening his laptop to check the answer for the job. surprisingly, he got it! It said to start packing your things since all workers had to be onsite reguraly he was a bit concerned about that but shruged it off, tinking that nothing could go wrong right? he packed up the few things he owned, leaveing his bed and desk there, it would be to heavy to move anyway. He locked the door, looking at his apartment before taking a sticky note and slapping it on the door, it read; Won't be back, feel free to clean this apartment out. He then left, all of his belonings in a backpack.

He sighed, it was an hour or so after he left thr apartment, he was slowly driving to his destination, it was surprisingly far away, as it was out in the country he was forced to drive through muliplue towns to get there. He grunted as he stoped at a red light, Trafic , he thought, checking the light again, it was orange now, as it turned green, the car infront didn't move, so he honked, most likely starteling the person in front to press the gas button. Finally out of the city, he checked the coordinates, he was close now. Smiling to himself he drove on, soon a large, stone building towerd up from the ground in front of him. This is it. He thought, the side of the building had the company name printed in large lettering, " Lamanix Labs " . He was exited, gazing at it for a moment before pulling into the parking lot. He grabbed his bag and hurried to the enternce. He was greeted by a man in what looked like guard gear, the man showed him to the elevators, as they went down, he decided to ask the man some questions,

" So, what will we be doing down there? " Neo asked with a polite tone, looking at the man.

" ... " The man stayed silent as the doors opened, and walked out, continuing to show Neo around.

He found it odd that the dude wouldn't talk to him, but shrugged it off as a company polacy. When showing him around, the Guard spoke in a deep, british tone. Once they were done with the tour, the Guard showed him to his room, pretty small but just enough space for all his stuff. He thanked the man and settled in, this was going to be his new home. He flopped down on the bed, exuasted after driving for almost two hours to get here.

Someone was shaking him, he grunted, his eyelids fluttered open to a short man right in his face, he yelped, jumping up wide awake. The man intoduced himself as Dr.Blackthorn, the lead scientist at Lamanix labs. " So you're the new scientist? " Blackthorn asked to that Neo had replied yes. " Great! " , He said, " Let's get you your lab coat " . Neo and Blackthorn walked in silence for a few minutes before they arrived at a pink electic barrier, above it were the words Safe Zone. " Dr.Blackthorn spoke, " This is where we have our weopons and equipment. Now let's get your lab coat and name tag, " He said, walking over to the coat rack in the corner, he went through thrm for a minute before handing one to Neo, " This one should be your size, try it on, and no, you don't need to take you're clothes off. Just put it on like a jacket. " Neo nodded and put the coat on, and as Dr.Blackthorn had said, it fit him. " So, whats next? " Neo asked, adjusting the lab coat collar. " You need a name bracket and then we sould be done. " Dr.Blackthorn said, " Please write your name on here, " The lead scientist handed him the name bracket, he wrote his name on it, unsure why they needed a bracket with their name on it. " Neo Graymark, thank you for your colabaration so far, now, please follow me. " The Doctor said, walking out of the safe zone. Neo hurried after him, not wanting to fall behind.

As they arrived at what the guard had called 'The Sectors' , Neo thought it just looked like some plain stone walls with keycard doors on each side, but nontheless he followed Dr.Blackthorn into one of the sectors titled ' Sector 1A ' . " This is Jace, my persanol assistent, " The doctor said, gestureing to an avrage looking dude on the PC. " Jace, tell the guards to bring the two subjects in. " Blackthorn said, looking at the one-way glass infront of them, " Now Graymark, take a clip board for the shelf and prepare to take notes. " Neo nodded, but didn't understand why Dr.Blackthorn had refered to him by his last name, but brushed it off, grabbing a clip board and pencil. Soon, two Guards entered the room on the other side of the glass with two furry looking creatures, both snarling and hissing at each other. One of the furry like things was a dark gray cat like thing with lighter spots on the belly and some other areas, they also wore a drak gray bucket on its head, the other one was a pastel baby blue with light purple cat-fox looking thing with pastel purple stripes on its ears, wrists and paws, the tail tip was the same pastel purple was the rest of the stripes. As soon as the Guards had let go they jumped on each other, clawing and scrathing at eachother. the gray one, wich Neo had heard Jace refer to it as 'Buck' , swiped at the other ones eyes, prominently blinding it. As the other one gave up, the two Guards came in and grabbed the furrys before they could start tearing at eachother again. " That was A Buck and Lang, with pretty aggresive against eachother. " Dr.Blackthorn said as the Guards took the furrys to a diffrent part of the labratory. " I hope you got your report finished, i'll say how did the best report tomorrow at the first test, now i advise you get some sleep. all of you. "

Neo would lie on the bedsheets, thinking of what he had seen that evening, it sure had been a bit gusome, but he was mostly worried about what would happen to the 'Lang' as Dr.Blackthorn had called it. But nontheless, he needed sleep, he rolled over onto his side, drowsing off into a peaceful sleep.

Total words: 1292 (There wont be many updates, due to me having school, but i will try, stay tuned!)

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