Chapter 5 - Captured

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Meme at the end, maybe. I was play the game for a and bit rage quit, PC gaming is not fun.


Neo's POV


Neo sat on the concrete floor of the sector, one, gooy tear ran down his check. He thought about what had happened if he hadn't taken that walk, would he be fine? What was Glorious doing at this moment? He let out a heavy sigh as the door opened and in walked Jace, the avrage looking dude who had helped him with everything when he signed up for this hell of a job. " Neo, i have to talk to you. " The dude said, crouching down, " I know how to get you out, but it'll cost me my job, so make sure i don't do this in vain alright? " Jace's voice had droped into a wisper. " Now, i have to bring you to testing, i am so sorry man. " He said, Jace's face was full of sadness when he led Neo out of the room to another part of the lab he didn't recognise. " In here, " Jace said, motioning him toward to door. Neo held his head low while walking into the room. " Well well,  first test of the day, Sinox vers, hm, let me see...Ghostfox. " Dr.Blackthorns voice sounded prideful from behind the glass, his evil grin flared Neo with anger. He turned his attertion to his opponent, a slim Ghostfox with half it's arm missing. Neo looked surprised, he couldn't fight them, they didn't stand a chance! Either way, he had to. " Start! " Dr.Blackthorn said, crossing his arms behind the glass. Neo looked at the Ghostfox, who looked terrified. He unsheathed his claws, trying to think of something but that the other gootrax was helpless. Quick as a bolt, he slashed the gootraxian across their arm, tearing it apart. The Ghostfox yelped in pain and dashed across the room, leaving a faintlight blue gas where it was before, Neo sighed inwardly and charged the other gootrax, slamming it into a wall. The gootrax winced and struggled in his grip. He threw the poor thing to the other side of the room. " The Sinox wins! " The lead scientist said, beaming to the knocked out Ghostfox in the corner, " Take the Ghostfox away, and get the Buck, i bet this'll be fun to watch. " He grinned. Neo stood frozen, fear took over.


Glorious's POV


He sat on the den floor and stared at the light blue pup, it hadn't died, but was definetly wounded. He wondered how it hadn't died, it was obviously stronger than other pups, but how Glorious didn't know. He decided to keep the pup and heal it. He placed the pup on his bed, grabbing his box of medical suplies. He'd warp the poor slimepup in a bandage, the pup seamed relived.

He had left the pup in his den while he went out hunting again since he was keeping the one he caught eariler. Soon enough he spoted a slimepup walking along to cave, carefreely strolling alongside another pup, he sighed inwardly, crusing at the fact that one could alert the other of his precence. He pulled the bat out, it was an old one, gifted to him by a slimehound when he was younger, it was close to breaking at this point so why not get rid of it, he couldn't keep it forever. Slowly, he approached the two slimepups, silently he rised the bat, striking down onthe pups, indenting thier masks, something that wouldn't be anything special to someone outside the lab, but one of the first things a gootrax lears is if a slimepups mask is dented i the slighest, it will most likely die. The pups droped down, dead. He grabbed the limp bodys, stuffing them into his backpack and going back to his den. 

Glorious sat on the den floor, ripping the slimepups up while setting aside the parts he as learned weren't the best for eat, insides, mask and some other stuff. He ate the pups bodys quick, as not to disturd the light blue one in the corner. he stil pondered over what it could be. He though about looking in the gotraxian journal. Glorious snatched the Journal from where Neo had left it last and looked through until he found the slimepup page. Rares, unlike other pups, have more health and give special stuff when killed. The page read, looking over at the shining pup in the corner,so thats a rare? Glorious thought, stroking the pups fur while losing himself in his thoughts. Glorious sat the book down, leaning back on the stone wall, slowly falling asleep.


Neo's POV


He stood there, complitely frozen. The guards had brought the preiviously victorious Buck. The dark grey gootrax grinned a it looked at Neo with a menacing look. " Now, let the two victors fight, to the death. " Dr.Blackthorn's voiced bommed into the room, making the Buck grin even larger. " Start the death match. " The doctor said, motioning to the guard to let the Buck go. As soon as the Buck was released it chared like a bull at Neo. he sidestepped it, letting them ram stright into the wall, breaking a part of their neon purple horns. He gripped the Bucks arms,  bending them to an unfomforatble angle. The Buck yelled in anger and kicked backwards, landing the kick stright on Neo's right knee, causing himto let go and stubble back, holding his knee wich growed with pain every second. The Buck threw itsself stright at him, landing Neo hard on his back, the Buck was adove him, pinning him down to the floor.  Punch after punch, the Buck striked, not slowing or weakening the punches. Neo was black and blue at this point, he threw a punch at the side of the Bucks arm, causing it to hesitate for a momet, Neo saw this and landed a punch straight to the Bucks eye. It yelped and staggered back, the eye looked dented and half deconstucted. Neo looked blankly at it before jumping to his feet, rushing towards them and ramming the Buck into the wall. The gootrax went limp, something had killed it, Neo didn't know what, he had been blinded by rage and everything had happened so quickly it was as vivid as a dream. He had no idea what he had done, only that he was now responable for a gootrax death. He heard clapping and snapped back into reality, looking up he saw Dr.Blackthorn behind the glass clapping proudly. " Good job, good job! " The grin of the doctor was wide and prideful. " Let the champion rest, and get the other subjects ready for testing and get the dead body out of here! " Blackthorn told the guards, walking out of the veiwing room. Neo was escorted back to his sector. A few minutes after the guards had left Jace entered the room with a towal and what looked loke a gootrax version of a medkit. " Here, use this. It should help with your... scars. " Jace lingered at the last word, trying to find a good word, but stuck with that. Neo nodded, starting to bandage what heavy wounds he had. He listened to Jace's plan to escape while he patched up, nodding every once and a while. " So, do you agree? " Jace asked, looking at Neo with a questinioning gaze. " The plan isn't fool-proof, but it will work if everything goes right. " Neo said, finishing his bandaging. " Alright, i'll be here tomorrow to take you to a testing " The scientist said, holding Neo's gaze for some odd reason. " Okay. When do we put the plan in the works? " He asked, crossing his arms while looking at Jace. " Soon. " The scientist said.

I wrote half of what i had left at night, i was tired. My brain wasn't working properly. My brain wasn't braining. Anyway, the total word count of this chapter, that took me like 3 days; 1351

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