Chapter 9 - JACE-

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The title has nothing to do with the chapter.




It's hard, surviving and all, these were Neo's thoughts as he walked through the crystal caves, towards the café. Lately, Glorious has refused to leave the den, unable to shake off the feeling of something chasing him, besides that, Glorious seemed fine at a glance.

Back to the point.

As Neo walked along the dark blue floor of the crystal caves, most of the working lights shut off, leaving him to his senses alone. A blackout it seemed, had accured. Neo, being panicked, searched around for a hiding spot, without luck, he was left to defend himself in the darkness, Alone.




I tumbled about, my vision was a bit better, as the intercoms blarred out a pre-recorded message.

" Unable to initiate low power mode, please stand by while we fix this issuse. " The female voice blarred across the facility.

I rolled my eyes, they couldn't even fix the power in this place, let alone survive. As i pulled the googles over my face, i was relieved to be able to see better, but something was...odd, to say the least. I could feel a sense of hunger, a sense of power. I grabbed at the googles, trying to tear them from my face, but no matter how much i tried, it was hopeless.

I was one of them.

The goop spread rapidly across my body, dropping to my knees, clutching the googles, trying to pry them off. Eventually, i just, gave up, the goop fully encased me, turning me into a Gootraxian.

Slowly, yet carefully, i rise to my paws, feeling around my body. Tail, ears, everything a normal gootraxian would have. Yet, something was different, the purple markings didn't look like anything i'd seen before, as well as the gloves, which seemed glued onto my skin. A tool belt hung around my waist, a baton made of goo, some other things that i wasn't sure of, as of course, those darn googles, i could take them off now, but my vision was worse, so i kept them on.

It came to me, the Blackout exclusives, Buck, Sinox, Jammer, Nightshade, Nuclearrabbit...None of them fit the bill, i searched my head for the answer, finding it eventually. The one and only, Nightcrawler. I flexed my paws, seemingly in a daze.

" Nightcrawler huh? Well, well... " A voice said behind me, creeping ever so slightly closer. " Now, this'll be fun. " Whatever it was chraged, i swiftly turned around, catching their axe in the swing.

" Fu- " I threw them, with more force then i thought i even had.

" Shesh, that's really powerful. " I said to myself, pulling the googles over my face, sprinting off.


Back to Neo.


Neo glanced around, trying to locate any kind of danger, fortunally, there was none. He crouched down, moving with caution back towards the den. He sighed, he'd have to wait until the blackout was finished to get food.

A loud buzzing followed by loud footsteps approached at a rapid pace.

A purple glowing light stood in front of him, three eyes stared back at him. The Nightcrawler. 

" Fudge- " Neo, scrambled to get away, falling onto his back instead, with the Nightcrawler staring at him from above.

" Uh... You okay there Sinox? " The Nightcrawler lended a hand for Neo, allowing him to rise to his paws. 

" Yeah- wait- " Neo said at first, before realizing something. " You're not hostile-? " Neo gestured with his hands wildly, utterly confused.

" No-? " The Nightcrawler was a bit confused at the question, " Why would i be? "

 Neo stood there for a moment, dumbfounded.

" Well- i'm gonna head home if you don't mind me- " Neo started walking away, humming lightly as he did so.

" Welp, have a nice time-? " The Nightcrawler called after him, waving.


Auther here, i uh, don't know what else to write so, here it is! The all and done awaited Chapter 9, i'm so gonna take a break and write some shitpost stories for now, just wait for the next update, i'm gonna let this dust now and i'll just, see you whenever i post and update to this!

Special thanks to @Anarchized for helping motovate me and write this chapter!

Jace is fine btw, going about peacefully with Florence.

Word count: 712 words

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