The Meeting

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Sam peeked through the railings at the top of the stairs as the maid answered the door. He then saw 3 tall extremely well-dressed Latin men walk into the front door and wait in the entry way as the maid told them she would go get Mr. Tom. Tom came running over to greet the men obviously looking and sounding nervous. He shook their hands and ushered the three men into his office. Sam opened up his drone went to the bottom of the stairs and deployed it. Lucky for him his dad had left a big enough crack in the door for him to be able to fly the drone through without being noticed. He made sure the camera and microphone were on and working and then flew it through the door and had it hovering above near the ceiling out of view of anyone sitting in the room. 

What he herd next shook him and his innocence's to its core. 

TOM: Ricardo, Juan, Migel we have been doing busy for a long time now, you need to trust me that I will figure it out I have been Loyal and have never made a mistake, but this was totally out of my control. 

JUAN: Tom we have been working together now for what...20 years? And your right you have never made a mistake this whole time, but this is a big fucking mistake. 

TOM: I know I am truly sorry, but you have to understand and what I had said from the beginning that this type of thing could happen. I am the best at what I do but washing that amount of money through one channel that quickly was going to draw huge alarm bells, especially with Interpol, SEC and every other government watchdog agency breathing down our necks. 

JUAN: I understand there are risks involved, but someone has to answer for the $250,000,000 of my money that was seized. You find a way to fix this Tom, I don't care if you have to sell beachfront property in Arizona to a bunch of blind senior citizens. You will get me my money back. You have till next month. It would be a shame for anything to happen to your adorable son Sam...

Tom went white as a ghost after hearing him say that. The three men stood up and walked out, but Juan stopped at the edge of the door without looking back said "One Month" 

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