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Sam woke up from his nap a little confused. He knew what had happened in the hours prior, but the whole day seemed to be a blur. The positive side, other than the slight confusion he had slept great! He slept well like a baby he thought. He felt the now all too familiar feeling of a wet pull-up under his short's they had put him in, to take a nap. Even though there was no point in confirming, he looked under the blanket pulling back his shorts and sure enough the pictures were not only faded, he noticed he had also leaked a little. Strangely enough, there was mixed emotions. He felt embarrassed and defeated, but also a sense of acceptance that maybe because of everything going on that maybe he really wasn't ready to be a big kid yet. He always had to fight so hard to show everyone even before all this happened that he was a big boy and didn't need to be looked after like some little kid. Just as the battling thoughts were going around in his head, he was snapped back to the present with Ms. Maggie saying in a very babyish tone. "Oh looks like the big guy is up from his nap." Before he had time to react, she pulled the blanket and his shorts off, with his soaked pull-up in full view. Sam didn't put up a fuse and realized that if he wanted to be treated like a big kid again, he would have to show them, step by step if that's what it took. Once Maggie saw she Said "UH-OH looks like someone had an accident how about we go get you changed and then go meet Ms. Brown back in her office? I think she has some exciting news for you!" Sam just nodded his head still ashamed at the toddler treatment, but knew it was best from here on out to go with the flow. He grabbed her hand and was laid on the changing table, where she tore the sides of the pull-ups. When she was done wiping him down, he saw her reach under the table and pull out a Pamper. He started to protest saying that he wasn't a baby and didnt need those during the day, when she cut him off abruptly saying. "Sweetie, I know you're not a baby, but you haven't made it to or even asked to go to the potty today, so I feel its best for right now, until me and Ms. Brown can figure out where you are with Potty Training." If your even ready at all, which is ok to. Sam Accepted this fact blushing a bit. He laid there thinking how he could have slept, so far in such a short period of time, as Maggie lifted his legs and slid the Pamper underneath him, pulling the front up and taping it shut. She said in a very cheery voice you would use with a Toddler saying "All Done! See that wasn't, so bad now, was it?" Sam thought it felt comfortable, more so than the Pull-Ups, but he still wanted to be seen as a big kid. He looked down at Elmo's face on the landing strip of his Pampers, before Maggie got him dressed thinking this will have to get better and back to his normal big boy status soon. 

Agent Brown was at her desk with the completed paperwork in hand, as well as on the phone with Rachel, trying to coordinate when the best time to drop him off. Rachel excitedly said that she had everything ready to go. The movers just set up the room and I went and picked up all the supplies he will need. Brown was delighted to hear that because from her experience, with drastic cases like this. The quicker they can get the children into a safe, loving environment the better it was for them psychologically. Rachel agreed and said she just got off the phone with Sara and she was, so excited, Rachel was almost afraid for the boy's safety, jokingly of course. Brown was happy as well thinking it would be an amazing fit for everyone involved, but needed to ask one last question before she hung up. Brown needed to file out one last question which asked about what school he would be attending? Rachel almost spit out her drink in shock that she hadn't even thought about that detail. She had taken a week off work to bond with him but hadn't thought that far ahead. Brown sensing her panic said not to worry she will put down you will be spending the next week touring schools and will let me know, by the first of the week. Rachel Breathing a sigh of relief said thank you and don't worry he will be taken care of. Brown said she knew he was in good hands. Brown said she would be driving him over within the next 2 hours and she cant wait for her to meet him. Rachel squealed and said Dito!  

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