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Sam tried to get the thoughts of what he had herd that day out of his mind, which was easier said than done. He knew the clock was ticking and was scared for his dad and didn't know what to do. As if he didn't have enough to worry about already the stress of the situation made another problem that he thought was over come back full force. He started to have accidents during the daytime several times a week, only noticing he had to potty till it was too late. He felt like such a baby because his babysitter made him start wearing his pull-ups during the daytime now too. He hadn't seen his dad in weeks and was getting really worried, until he herd a knock on his bedroom door and a strange lady in uniform came in. 

She was tall with black hair and green eyes and came and sat down on the bed next to Sam. She was really nice, but Sam was a little annoyed that she was speaking to him like you would speak to a young child or toddler. Thats When Sam mortified realized he was still in only his sleeping shirt and Pull-Up fully visible. She said her name was agent Brown with the FBI and that my dad was safe, but that I wouldn't be able to see him for awhile and that I would have to come with her right away until the grown-up issue was taken care of. She told me to pack a bag that I would not be able to come back home. Overwhelmed Sam broke down and started to bawl like he hadn't done in years. The agent held him in a hug and told him it would be alright and that she would help him pack his things. She went to the closet and grabbed his suitcase. When she pulled it out she noticed a half empty box of Pampers Cruisers Size 7. Sam had not worn those at night or during the day for a few years now, but they were for just-incase situations. Agent brown took out the remaining pampers and put them in his suitcase. Sam had a 5 year old cousin that would stay with them a ton, so they had left a lot of his clothes there. Sam still too distraught to really focus on what she was doing tried to speak up and explain when she got to his dresser and where you would normally find boxers and briefs like most 14 year olds would have, all you saw were an assortment of different colorful designed toddler potty training Pull-Ups. He tried to explain through tears, but she just told him it was ok that he will be ready for grown up undies soon enough. At this point he was just to tiered and embarrassed to try and explain. After she was done packing his things she told him it was time to go, but first we need to get you dressed. 

Sam sat in shock not knowing what to say or do. He wanted to tell her he was a big kid and could get dressed himself, but realized that would be tough to argue when he was sitting in just a t-shirt and wet toddler training pants. She walked up and picked him up off his bed and set him on the floor. She proceeded to take off his night shirt leaving him in nothing, but his wet Pull-Up. Smiling agent brown thought to herself how adorable he was and that she needed to double check her records on file because it has the boy's age as 14, but that had to be a mistake she thought because looking at him crying in nothing, but wet training pants, plus his size he cant be more than 5 or 6 years old tops. Oh well she thought to herself mistakes can be fixed and she will enter the correct information into the system when she gets back to the office.

She comes back over to Sam lays down a towel and puts down a new pullup and some wipes and tells him to lay down, so she can get him into some more clean and dry big boy pants. Sam hesitates and finally trys to tell her that he is a big kid and can change himself, but agent brown is used to catching lies and feels that he is just trying to put on show for her, but she knows they dont have time for silly games. She tells him in her best authority voice that he can either be a big boy and lay down, so she can change him into more big boy pullups or if he wants to be fussy and not act like a big boy by following the rules then she will put me in a pamper like a little boy his choice. Still in shock and not believing what was happing said softly that he would be good boy and wanted to wear his big boy pullups, so he obediently layed down on the towel and waited for this authority figure to change his diaper like he was a toddler. Sam never new this would be the change that would change the entire course of his life.

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