Home Sweet Home

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Sam sat in his Car-Seat, looking out the window at all the big, nice houses. He still wasn't sure what to think or how to feel about losing the life he once had. Sam tried to hold back tears when he started thinking about his dad and if he would ever see him again. Agent Brown was telling him all about his new life and how wonderful it was going to be and that he could trust her, when she said that his new guardians Rachel and Sara were amazing and would be incredibly happy there. Sam was still apprehensive about the whole situation and worried that once they found out that he was 14 and still having accidents like a toddler, they would be bond to send him right back. Before he Knew it they were pulling up Infront of one of the nicest houses he had ever seen. Agent Brown unbuckled him from his car-seat and grabbed his bag. When they reached the front door, Sam grabbed agent Browns leg startled, when the door flew open and Sam saw the most beautiful woman, he had ever seen in his life. She Immediately hugged Brown, but quickly diverted her intense gaze and extreme excitement toward him. 

Sam blushing because even though, he was still from all outward signs and actions to be no older than a late toddler/young child, there was still that 14-year-old hormonal brain, that was making him feel things he didn't quit understand. which made his internal battle to fight hard or give in that much harder. Rachel bent down to Sam's level and said very sweetly, but also in the same way you would speak to a toddler. "Hi sweetie my name is Rachel, and you are going to be staying with me here for a while, but don't worry we are going to have tons of fun together and you won't have to worry about a thing! Would you like to stay with me?" Sam blushing just nods his head and takes her outstretched hand. Rachel say's "Great!" and leads him into the house followed by Agent Brown. 

Sam was brought into the massive Living room and was told to wait in here for just a second while her and Ms. Brown had some coffee and a little chat in the kitchen. Rachel turned on the huge 100'-inch tv to some little kids channel and before he could say anything she was gone into the kitchen to speak with Agent Brown, just Grown-Up to Grown-Up. Sam could tell this was going to be an uphill battle, but he thought to himself the tradeoff might be worth it. Even though he still wanted to have everyone see him as the teenager he was, over this past year he felt as far from an actual teenager than the toddler they see him as. He was also starting to like the idea of having his new beautiful caretaker, love and baby him. Even though he might actually die from shame and embarrassment. He was interrupted mid thought when the front door blew open like a truck just hit it. 

Sara came running into the house screaming excitedly. "Where is He?!" Sam now scared and confused, noticed a slight trickle run into his already wet Pamper. He thought how can this keep happing? He isn't a baby anymore, but with every passing second his decision of giving in was making more and more sense. After the initial shock wore off, he saw it was another woman equally as stunning as Rachel but seemed a few years younger. Sam thought to himself man do these types of girls grown on trees? Before he had a millisecond to even react, she was sprinting his direction, picking him up and spinning him around saying "OMG!!! You are here and your, so adorable!!!" Not a second later both Brown and Rachel come running into the room to see what all the commotion was about. Rachel then told Sara to put him down right away! That you were scaring the boy half to death. Sara put Sam down right away and apologized. She introduced herself and said that she is Rachels wife. He obviously knew at 14 what that meant, but she tried to break it down to what that meant when to people love each other when Rachel cut her off, by saying. There is no need to try and go into detail about it he is far too young to understand. 

The 3 adults went back into the kitchen to continue their discussion. Sam thought to himself if these are the two ladies who will be taking care of me it made his decision a no brainer. He would do his best to work his way back to being a big kid, but also not stress about the situation and just take things as they came. Back in the kitchen Brown was giving the two new proud parents the low down on everything she knew about Sam. Due to legal reasons could not go into the specifics of the reason he was in hiding, but only what his file told her as well as her personal observations. Brown informed the 2 that she had fixed the error in his paperwork declaring he was 14 years old, which Rachel and Sara both chuckled at. Rachel then reconfirmed she had gotten all the necessary supplies for him, being as you said you were not sure how far along with Potty-Training, he actually was. Sara excitedly blurted out almost begging Rachel, that they needed to start him off in Pampers for sure. Rachel being pediatric surgeon giggled at her partner while telling Brown, that if it were up to Sara, Sam would never leave Pampers haha. Sara retorted saying that she just loved babies, so much! Which Rachel smiled and replied I know you do babe, but we also need to make him feel like he is a part of the situation too. If he isn't ready for Potty training yet you must let them try and fail multiple times, so you can have something to actually show them and teach them why they are not ready, not just by saying it. 

Sara looks at Rachel and says. "It turns me on how smart you are as well as how amazing you are going to be at this whole parenting thing." Brown and Rachel both Blush. Brown more so because she defiantly remembers some hot and steamy nights with Rachel back in the day. Also for the fact that Sara was stunning to say the least. Rachel tells Sara to cool it that we have company. She bites her bottom lip and complies as they continue planning. After a few more minutes Agent Brown said her goodbyes and told Rachel to let her know by the end of the week where he would be enrolled in school. Rachel said absolutely and with that Brown left. 

Rachel told Sara that she would handle getting him to bed tonight that she might be a little too excited for the poor little guy tonight after the day he had. Sara agreed and Rachel headed back into the living room to see Sam in the exact place she had left him almost an hour before. She thought too herself that she liked how well behaved he was especially sense most 5 year olds tear everything not nailed down apart. Sam was actually content watching all these kiddie shows he thought he would hate. Thats when he noticed Rachel walk up and again take his breath away. She asked him how he was and if he was enjoying his show's? Which he meekly nodded his head. Then without warning Rachel bent down and tilted him back a bit and said. "Let's see how your doing sweetie." Sam almost forgot about the fact that he was in a wet Pampers diaper with no way to stop the inevitable embarrassment that was about to ensue. Too make matters worse, he realized for the first time of what Agent Brown dressed him in this morning. He was wearing a Paw-Patrol tee-shirt and what he thought were a normal pair of jeans. That was until Rachel tilted him back and reached down to the crotch of his jeans and started un-buttoning snaps in the crotch. Thats when the horror set in and realized that these were jeans ment for toddlers, so that grown-ups could check and change their diapers easier. Rachel got the snaps undone and slid two fingers into the gathers of his Pampers, declaring him wet. Rachel looked up at Sam who looked like he was about to cry when she immediately defused the situation saying. Don't worry sweetie, I know you are a Big Boy, but you have had a very long a stressful few day that would be tough on any little guy, so don't worry! We will go get you changed into some dry Pampers and get your Jammies on. Then tomorrow, we can keep working on Big Boy Pull-Ups. How does that sound? Sam didn't know if it was her beauty or her soothing motherly nature. Probably both, but he knew from that moment that he didn't have to worry about struggling to be a big kid, that he was loved with just how he seemed to be. Still a little boy that needed a mommy or mommies to give him the attention and guide him to becoming a big-boy eventually however long that took. He grabbed Rachels hand and followed her up the stairs on his way to the first of many diaper changes. 

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