Love and Acceptance

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Sam woke up in his new room a little dazed and confused, but overall rested. He went to get out of his bed and with his footed onesie couldn't exactly tell if he was wet or not, but when he felt the outside of his PJ's he could tell that indeed he was. At this point he wasn't even surprised sense the way things had been going. He looked around his new room once more with a fresh pair of eyes and embarrassingly thought that it was kinda cool. He shook off the thought and realized he didn't even know where his new guardians were or even where they slept. Nervously he opened the door to his room and was tempted to yell out for them, but knew he had to keep it together when he heard voices coming from downstairs in the kitchen. He crept down the stairs and sat and listened for a moment l, still to embarrassed to have to go tell them that he woke up in a wet Pamper and needed them to change him. 

Rachel and Sara were sitting in the kitchen having their usually cup of coffee and discussing what their plans were and other important topics of conversation. That's when Sam herd them start to talk about him. Sara told Rachel that she would give anything to get off work to be able to spend time with the both of them, but couldn't. Rachel said that it was no worries that she understood and they would plan a few days when she could bond with him just the two of them. Then hopefully all three of us could take a little trip together and really form a connection. Sara was elated at that possibility, when Rachel cut her off and said first things first. We have to enroll him in school by the end of the week that being one of the requirements to be able to keep him. Sara spoke up and said she understood, but him being only 5 wouldn't that mean, we would need to start looking into kindergarten for him? 

Sam apon hearing this was floored. "Kindergarten?!" Also they thought he was 5?! That's when it hit him and it all started to make sense. His size and the fact that he was still in pull-ups and pampers made them probably think that his real age was a mistake and changed something around. He couldn't be certain, but at this point didn't matter. What he herd next made him change his mind and think deeply about what was important to him. 

Rachel told Sara that she had called the kindergarten and they said he has to be 100% out of pull-ups and completely potty trained during the day. Preschool said he had to be at least making noticable progress and be able to tell them when he needed to potty l, which I tried telling her I wasn't sure if he was at that stage or not yet. Sara then spoke up and said in all honesty he should be in Daycare for now until we see where he is big boy wise. Rachel thought that was a great idea as well l, but that he would probably be the oldest one in Daycare because all the others his age would be getting ready for first grade. I just don't want him to hate us and feel like we are being mean or think he is a baby. He is really sensitive and has been through a lot and I don't want him to leave us. Sara hugged Rachel and said she thought it would be fine and to just try and explain it to him the best that she could and see where it goes. Rachel kissed her fiance and sent her on her way to work, while she sat down at the kitchen table deep in thought trying to figure out what to do. 

Sam sat on the top of the stairs deep in thought. He didn't want to be treated like a baby, but he also needed someone to take care of him. Even if they made a mistake on his files or not the situation was going to be the same anywhere he went and he definitely didn't want to go anywhere else. It made him think back on his life and realize that sense his mom had died before he could remember her and his dad even though loved him dearly, barley had time for him. He had made up his mind at that point and thought "well I guess I'm starting over." He walked down the stairs to meet Rachel and fully ready to accept his new role however difficult it might be at first. 

Rachel looked up when she herd Sam coming down the stairs. It instantly brightened up her mood, as she gave him a big big hug and asked him how he had slept. Still a little shy said he slept good, which made her heart warm. Rachel took Sam's hand and told him that she had a big day planned for the two of them. She said she would take him out to a nice big breakfast before their big day out, but first needed to get him all changed and ready to go. Rachel didn't even ask Sam if he was wet or anything. She could tell from the bulge and sag under his PJs that he indeed was. Sam took Rachel's hand as she led him back up to his room and onto the changing table. 

Sam knew he shouldn't still feel embarrassed or anything, but I guess the nerves and excitement were still there. Rachel quickly got him out of his footie pajamas, leaving him laying on the table in nothing, but a wet Pamper feeling exposed. What Sam said next made Rachel's heart melt with empathy and love. Sam felt the need to apologize for not being able to be a big boy for her and stay dry. He almost immediately regretted saying it until Rachel cooed and told him.  

"Oh sweetheart, their is nothing to apologize for! Little boys and girls most always have trouble staying dry at night especially at your age. Even really big kids have trouble staying dry at night, so I don't want you to worry or feel bad at all ok?" Sam was blushing bright red, but also didn't feel that embarrassed, but he still wasn't used to the intense love, attention and compassion that she was showing him. Rachel continued to talk and distract him a bit, while she made quick work of his diaper change. Rachel asked Sam if he wanted to hear a secret? He nodded his head and Rachel told him that Sara had to wear pampers to bed until she was 13 because she still had accident's. Rachel hopped this would easy his tension, which it definitely seemed to do. 

She got him off the table trying to keep him distracted or anxious, now being completely naked in front of her while she got out a pull-up and had him step in one foot at a time. When she pulled them up, she told him good job! Like he had mastered something, making Sam feel ashamed, but he was also starting to like the attention more and more. He was starting to slip, but instead of running away from the love and attention, even though it was him being treated like a toddler. He felt himself letting go and not running, but crawling faster into this new place of peace and love he so despratly need to be. 

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