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Rachel finished getting Sam dressed. She put him in some corduroy pants with a spider-man tee-shirt. He definitely still looked and felt like a toddler, but was trying to act as big as possible to offset this fact as much as possible. Rachel was finishing up tying his shoes when she began telling Sam about the big day she had planned for the for the two of them. 

She told him that the first stop would be to get him some new clothes anything he wanted. Rachel was trying her best not to spoil him to quickly, but was finding it extremely difficult. She just wanted to shower him with attention and gifts to let him know that they cared for him and make him as comfortable as possible. The next stop would be lunch, whatever his favorite food might be. She made it clear that it was his day and was wanting him to feel that this was his home now. Sam was absorbing all this information and started to feel ok with just letting go of the internal struggle of feeling he had to prove that he was a big-kid. He definitely perked up and smiled at the last thing Rachel told him. She said that if he was a really good boy while they were out, that after lunch they would go get ice-cream at this really neat place Rachel knew about. 

Sam of course loved ice-cream and tried to keep his composure to a big-kid level. Rachel smiled when she saw the reserved excitement on Sam's face. She told him they were almost ready to hit the road just needed to get one last thing in order. That's when Sam's stomach dropped a bit and the reality of his current situation hit home when Rachel grabbed her rather large purse and walked to his changing table grabbing supplies from underneath.

She grabbed two pairs of pull-ups, travel sized baby wipes and a pamper. She saw the shocked look on Sam's face and told him not to worry that the Pamper was just in case he wasn't having much luck with making it to the potty on time. He was about to say something and realized that it wasnt worth it. Sam knew at this point he would have to prove to them he was potty trained and didn't need any of that stuff anymore, but would be an uphill battle. 

Rachel reached out her hand for Sam to grab and cheerly said that it was time to go. He new obidiants at this point would be the best option to start with rather than have them think he was some fussy toddler not wanting to behave and do what he is told. They both walked out to the Car hand in hand. Rachel's heart melting with every step, knowing this was a dream come true. She laughed to herself thinking. I wonder who is more nervous me or him haha. She wanted more than anything to be a good mom and help this shy little boy break out of his shell and feel at home. 

Rachel finished buckling Sam into his Car-Seat and they were off. They first stopped at this high end clothing store called "Totally Tots." Sam felt himself get beat red with embarrassment, but held his tongue. She got her purse and went around and found Sam trying to unbuckle himself from the Car-Seat. Rachel's motherly instinct kicked in thinking of everything that could possibly happen to him if he did that while on the road, but calmed herself down before telling Sam in a very sweet, but stern manner. "Sam sweetie, I appreciate you wanting to be a big boy and help, but that is something only grown-ups can do. That's why you were having so much trouble with them. Now you have to promise me you will leave your straps alone and wait until me or another grown-up can come take you out of your seat ok?" 

Sam was taken aback he had never really been disaplined in his life really. His Nanny was older and pretty much let him do whatever and the only other time he would have a babysitter, would be one of his dad's fly by night girlfriend's trying to be the cool one with him to win his dad over. He wasn't sure what to say, so he just tilted his head down and said yes ma'am. 

Rachel immediately felt like the worst person on earth. Her brain was irrationally telling her that she just committed child abuse of an agreegis nature. Shaking off those thought finished unbuckling him and putting him down on the ground, immediately pulling him into a hug telling him, she was sorry and that she wasn't mad at him or anything like that she just didn't want anything bad to happen to him and to keep him as safe as possible. Sam perked up and said ok feeling that wave of emotion again. He felt safe, loved, protected but strangely enough also aroused. Sam shook it off and grabbed her hand as they walked into the store. He was shocked and presently surprised when he walked in, thinking they would only have baby and toddler clothes. Which of course was all they sold, but other than the baby clothes the older toddler clothes actually looked like normal cool big-kid clothes. They had design's on them that of course were geared to that specific age group, but other than that he thought they were cool. 

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