Accepting change

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Sam Laid on the towel looking up at the ceiling thinking about all that had happened and what was currently happening. A rush of thoughts and emotions ran through his head, as he lay's their on the towel waiting for this authority figure to change his wet pull-ups. And get him dressed like you would any baby or toddler. He was embarrassed and ashamed, but strangely enough in his current emotional state felt thankful for someone to be taking care of him. Sam thought that it would all work out and he could reclaim his status as a big kid teenager after everything settled down. Agent Brown tore the sides of his pullups and pulled it out from under him leaving him completely naked now. He bashfully tried to cover him-self up until agent Brown lightly swated his hands away saying their was no need to be shy that she had two little ones at home and one of them was still going through potty training too, so you have nothing I haven't seen 1,000 times time's before. She quickly wiped him down and tore the sides of the new pull-up and slid it under him and put it on him like a regular diaper. She said it was faster that way making Sam blush. To make matters worse when she stood him up she had a pair of his 5year old cousins overall for him to wear. Sam wanted to put his foot down, but knew there was no way she was going to believe they weren't for him and that they were in a hurry, so he obediently let her put the overalls on him. Sam looked at himself in the mirror and almost fainted. He looked no older than his 5 year old cousin. Worst of all because he fit in his clothes perfectly. To tierd to put up a fight he for right now accepted his fate and held Agent Browns had when as they were leaving his room for the last time and his life as a big kid was over he just didn't know it yet.

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