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Rachel woke up to the sound of the alarm. Looking at the time she sighed, putting the pillow over her face wanting desperately to go back to sleep. 4am should not even be a time, but she knew it came with the territory of being a successful  pediatric surgeon. She loves kids and she felt blessed to be able to help them for a living. 

She turned over in bed to look at her gorgeous new wife still sound asleep. She thought she was the most beautiful hair messed up no make up and sleeping like an angel. They were recently married and we're enjoying the passionate honeymoon faze. Sara was 24 where Rachel was 29, but Sara like Rachel was super successful in her own right, being the VP of marketing for a major fortune 500 company. They had what seemed the perfect life money, love, success but what they both wanted most in life was a child. They didn't care wether it be a girl or a boy they just wanted a baby. 

Both women were drop dead gourgus. Rachel was around 5"9 long legs, slender frame and high check bones with piercing blue eyes. Sara was a former supermodel in her teen years being 6"1 green eyes exotic features. 

Rachel was getting ready for work when her phone rang. She looked at the called ID and saw it was her ex Jessica Brown. Thinking it was a little early she was worried something was wrong. Though they were ex's they left on great terms, she remembers the steamy passionate times from when they were in college and thought they would stay together, but she went into medical school and Jessica went to Quantico for training when she joined the FBI. Rachel answered the phone saying "Well hello agent Brown, what do I owe the pleasure?" I'm not in trouble am I? Hehe. Agent Brown laughing said not currently, but I still have my eye out on you. The reason I'm calling is to ask if you and Sara would be interested in fostering a child until we find him placement in our protective program. 

Rachel almost dropped the phone with excitement and said absolutely! How old is he or she? Brown informed her that from his records it said he was 14, but I believe it is a clarical error because their is no way he is old than 5 maybe 6. He swears he is 14, but I'm currently about to change him into some dry pull-ups as we speak. You know how little boys are always trying to act older than they really are. Rachel cood over the phone with excitement thinking about having a little boy for them to love and spoil. Agent Brown said she had to go, but would call her with more details once she got back to the office, so they could make all the arrangements. Rachel thanked her profusely and hung up the phone glowing with intisapation. She decided she was going to make it a secret surprise for Sara who will be overjoyed as well. Now she needs to get busy cleaning and preparing supplies for when they finally get to make this little guy feel at home. 

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