Sara Time/ Potty Time

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Sam woke up from his nap feeling well rested. He sat up in bed and looked down at his footie pajamas, feeling more comfortable with the situation he found himself in, but yet still really embarrassed. Speaking of the feeling of embarrassment. When Sam stood up, he made the realization that his Pampers were definitely wet. He didn't know how this kept happening, but was trying not to worry to much about it, that he would get it under control soon enough. He walked out the bedroom door and down the stairs wear he could hear Sara and Rachel talking in the kitchen. When he got there both cooed and Sara said "Hey there sleepy head was wondering when you would grace us with your presence?" Sam blushed a little when Rachel asked if he slept well, which Sam nodded in reply. Then of course the inevitable question came up, but it was more a retorical question in which she didn't wait for a response, before walking over to him and unbuttoning the snaps on his PJs which he had no clue were there. like his answer ment nothing because she had to be the grown up and make sure for herself. 

He wanted to pull away or stop her or try and tell her he was big enough to tell her, but his actions as of late really spoke otherwise. Rachel immediately could tell he was wet and told him that he needed a change really quick. Before either of them could make a move Sara came rushing in and said "Not so fast babe! This little guys mine. You take care of ordering us some lunch and I'll take care of this little guy here." Rachel laughed and said "Yes Ma'am." Sara excitedly said great! As she grabbed Sam's hand and led him upstairs. 

Sam was was a little nervous being that this was the first time Sara was going to see him naked and that fact it was because she was changing his diaper. Another reason was not only was she ridiculously gourgus like Rachel, but the difference in personalities between the two. Rachel was several years older than Sara and had a more calm motherly authority about her. Where as Sara was this fisty young firecracker that was like the cool older sister who might let you get away with a few more things, but would also not hesitate to lay down the law if you didn't listen to her. 

The contrast between the two of them was very apparent whenever they got to his room. She was talking a mile a minute about everything she had planned for them and everything else you could imagine. That same energy transferred into how she handled Sam. She was definitely genital, but where Rachel would be slow and calming. Sara just took charge. Sam actually felt comfortable with this approach in a weird way. It was like he didn't have time to be nervous about anything and she acted like it was business as usual. Before Sam new it she picked him up put him on the changing table, undid his sleeper and had him cleaned up with a change of clothes ready to go before he could even react. She even picked out the coolest outfit that he had ready for her to change him into. Sara grabbed a pull-up and opened it up and asked if he needed help off the table. That's when Sam realized she was actually going to put his pull-ups on like big kid underwear, which he knew deep down wasn't something a 14 year old should be excited about, but he was still coming to grips with the fact that to everyone around him he was a long way off from that number. That's when Sam snapped back to the present and realized that he was stark naked laying on the changing table. Sara had been moving, so fast he hardly had time to notice. He jumped down as quickly as possible, but red as a tomato, as he went over and put one leg in, then the other as she pulled them up and made sure they were adjusted properly. He wanted to tell them he was capable of pulling up his own Pull-Ups, but it just didn't seem like a battle worth fighting. 

 As Sara was finishing getting Sam dressed she told him that they were going to go back downstairs and her and Rachel needed to speak with him. Sam's heart sank was he in trouble or do something bad? Sara immediately calmed that fear with the words. "Don't worry your not in trouble!" Sam felt immediately better as he reluctantly held her hand as they went back downstairs to have some lunch and speak with Rachel. When they got into the living room Rachel turned around and said "Wow that was quick and look how handsome you look!" Sam blushed and said nothing as he sat on the couch as his two new guardians sat next to him and began to speak. 

Rachel spoke first. She said that she was hopping that he was enjoying it here and that he was settling in ok, which Sam said that he really liked it here if he could stay. Sara and Rachel both tried not to meltdown and explode from all the feels they were feeling, so they took a second and both kept their composure with Rachel saying that was wonderful and of course he could stay! Rachel continued.... 

That is actually the reason we needed to have this situation down with you. We want more than anything for you to be able to stay, but the program requires certain things to be able to qualify to keep a child. Sam slightly confused listened intently. You see the biggest requirement is that you be enrolled in school within 2 weeks of us taking custody of you, but we are having a little issue with that. Sam thought what's the issue? Their are plenty of high-schools in the area being as he just finished 8th grade. That's when Rachel through him back to reality, his "New Reality." 

She said the issue is that, she spoke with the local elementary school and for you to be able to start kindergarten after the fall break you would have to be fully Potty-Trained, just during the day of course. Sam was speechless, heart pounding, dry mouth thinking that this was all really happing and wasn't a dream. Rachel could see the concerned look on his face, but misunderstood what his concerns were as she  continued by saying that. She understands that it is a lot to ask and a ton of pressure to put on him to be able to be a big boy in such a short period of time, and that if he didn't feel like he was ready to handle that much responsibility that quickly it was ok. 

Sam wanted to respond, defend what dignity he had left, but he was frozen, left without a tounge. Rachel then gave him his opportunity to prove himself. His only opportunity, but the most embarrassing opportunity of his life. She told him that if he wasnt potty trained and in big kid underwear at the end of the two weeks that he would have to start in preschool because they take kids still potty training, but they have a rule that if you aren't progressing and keep having accidents then you will have to stay in daycare until we feel like you have settled in a little more and are big enough to handle that type of responsibility. 

 "That being said if you are up for it and think you are ready to be a big kid then this will help and is where we need to start." That's when Rachel pulled something out of a big box that Sam had noticed, but been to distracted to give any attention to. It was a toddler's Potty Chair. For Sam it could have been a granade the way it hit him when he saw it. It had little spider-man and batman characters on it which he liked, but it was still a toddler's Potty Chair and not only that it was his potty-chair. 

Sara could tell that Sam was in shock, but again thinking it was for the fact that being fully ready in two weeks was a huge task, so she tried to ease his worries. Sara bent down and told Sam that if he could be a big-boy for her and Rachel and give the potty a shot, that even if he wasn't ready by the end of the two weeks it was perfectly, but just for the effort she was going to take him to Lego Land ready or not. Sam excitedly at first said "Really?!" Then immediately tried to maintain a semblance of maturity in this extremely immature predicament he found himself in. Sam paused for a moment looking at both beautiful caretakers who he didn't want to let down or make upset finally spoke up and said he was going to try and make it to his big boy training potty, so he could wear big kid underwear. 

Sam herd the words come out of his mouth and realized he hadn't spoken up much for the very situation that just occurred. He sounded and cemented himself in their eyes as nothing more than a toddler. He threw in the towel thinking if he can't beat them might as well get through it quickly as possible and try to enjoy himself as much as possible. He did have one question just out of curiosity. He knew it wasn't going to happen l, but had to ask. "What happens if I not ready for pre-school and have to go to daycare? Will I still get to wear big boy Pull-Ups?" 

 Rachel smiled a little knowing smile, but told him not to worry about to much, but that no he would be back in pampers full-time until we see you would be really ready to start with potty training. Sam gulped, but put it out of his mind as both women hugged and cheered Sam and said they would start right after lunch. Sam had no clue what he was in for or what lay next, but after lunch was starting Potty Training again for the second time and could only imagine and blush at the feelingof actually being nervous. Rachel and Sara both grabbed one of Sam's hands and walked into the kitchen to eat lunch before the start of this new journey. 

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