Danger incoming

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His face of bleeding, a clean cut was on the slits of his mouth, eyes bulging out. He tried reached his hand towards us.


(Y/N)-"How?! He was just opening the coffin and now he's in there! What the hell is going on?!"

Joseph-"My eyes were locked on loser boy the whole time! Did any one of you see the loser get in or get placed in the coffin?"

(Y/N)-" Absolutely not!"

Polnareff-"No. I was watching the whole time, and then, suddenly, he was inside!"

Kakyoin-"Polnareff's right! This isn't a mind trick. And it's not super speed!"

Jotaro-"Shit. This isn't some game!"

(Y/N)-"Holy Shit!"

Joseph-"Everyone, run for it!"

We jumped out the window that Jotaro previously broke. Our Stands were by our side as we jumping out, trying to protect us for what any danger to come. Polnareff was standing there looking around frantically.

(Y/N)-"Come on what are you doing?!"

I had Morning Spring wrap a vain around him. Making him fall with us as we were escaping that slaughter room of awaiting death.

(Y/N) pov

Morning Spring still had Pol in her grasp. The sun was setting, leaving a beautiful color mix of orange and yellow even a hint of red. The clouds just added the perfect scenery too. Even the city was shining too. The whether was warming at the just right temperature, not to hot or cold, just a consistent warm tempm.

Do you know the feeling of you're body merges with the right comfortable water temperature from a shower that you just don't want to leave? Yeah, I was feeling that kind of way. Wish I could've admire all of this more if I wasn't falling from an ancient mansion.

The shining sprinkle of wonder left my eyes as I move from the city to the ground that was coming. Moving my mind back to the situation at hand. The wind was blowing my hair away from my face as I was heading face first to the floor.

Kakyoin-"What was that? I couldn't see it, but I could sense it is far more powerful than any Stand we've ever come across before."

(Y/N)-"In a sense, it was like we we're the prey and there was a hunter right behind us pointing his  rifle to the back of our heads."

I shivered.

Joseph-"I sense it, too. That insane lust to kill us! It felt like someone shoved an icicle straight up my ass!"

I would've laughed at that remark if we weren't in a life threatening state.

Joseph-"If we hadn't escaped, we would've all been killed!"

As we were coming more closer to the ground I saw a patch of convolvulus's. I ask Morning to grow them extremely fast and big to let the leaves catch the guys fall.

I can just fly with the wind that's blowing right now but I have to save these guys from falling to their deaths. The leaves of the plant wrapped around them and gently placed on a ledge of the mansion as I flow up to the ledge and landed swiftly/ safely too.

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