Chapter 2

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Just as she thought she was dead; an ear-piercing noise struck her ears. The noise was deafening enough to get her back from her almost R.I.P status. Flickering her eyelids couple of times trying to adjust to the lighting, she grasped her surroundings. That's when a very familiar looking ceiling came into her view- a plain white rectangular canvas and right in the middle stood, all high and handsome her Tom Cruise throwing the most devilish smile on planet, from the poster.

MY ROOM!!! "GODS!!! I am alive" she shrieked tapping her body reconfirming her words and a triumphant smile popped up her face. At first, she thought she'd wetted the bed, but then realised it was sweat. She sighed. Nothing mattered more than the mere awareness of being alive and it only meant that everything that happened was just a dream; a weird stupid scary dream and that's when she also realized that the ear-piercing noise came from her phone.

Oh shit, my ALARM!!!

All her senses were back at once and started working in a hyperactive mode, which apparently had never turned out to be good in the past. She sat up on the bed, switched off the alarm and checked the phone. It was Monday morning - beginning of the week, and her phone was flooded with missed calls and texts. A knowing smile popped up her face thinking of him.

With the kind of past she carried, making friends wasn't as easy a task as it would've been for any other girl. She wasn't an introvert really; she spoke with everyone around but had set herself a boundary. The moment someone seemed to cross that boundary, she would either change the topic or simply end the conversation. Period. Her only friends were the ones, who didn't dig into her 'prohibited' zone, and their number was negligible. Rihaan – her only 'friend' at work, was one of those very few people. He knew she kept something from him, but never once tried to pry the information out of her and that's why she liked him a lot. But it didn't mean she would share her past with him just yet. Trust was one thing, but what scared her most was losing a gem of a friend.

Dare you to be late... Don't forget today's date- Read his message.

Upon checking the date on her phone, her eyes almost popped out of her head. Sprinting out from the bed and almost tripping over herself, she rushed to the bathroom to take a hot shower and brush away all the sourness, the dream had caused. Once out, she quickly got dressed into her navy-blue trousers and collared white shirt. Simple clothing had always been her thing, since she preferred comfort over fashion.

Today, was a very important day for them. She had promised Rihaan to reach office an hour earlier to celebrate this day with him and was already running late on schedule thanks to the wonderful dream that almost killed her. Come to think of it, that dream was unique in its own way; it had been torturing her and killing her insides since childhood. The last time she had dreamt it was exactly six months ago – on the first day of her first job in London. Today, she and Rihaan were celebrating their half yearly anniversary at George, her favourite patisserie near office.

Tying her hair in a ponytail and applying compact powder on her face (which was her idea of 'make-up'), she hung a sling bag across her shoulder, other hand holding a laptop bag and she hurried away for the bus stop. Fortunately, she reached the bus stop two minutes early and to her surprise the bus was relatively empty giving her a chance to choose her favourite window seat next to the exit for the first time; that was rarer than an eclipse. She felt lucky and a smile crept her face unknowingly.

With no breakfast or even a drop of milk, she starved to death, which only made her think of the best Chocolate fudge, that was going to be in her mouth couple minutes later. That deliciously nasty Chocolate fudge danced right in front of her eyes making her drool from the corner of her mouth. Thankfully, she noticed it in time and quickly wiped it avoiding unnecessary stares. After an hour's ride she hopped off the bus in front of a massive establishment.

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