Chapter 21

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** Pic of Richa above**

"Wow... What is this place?" Sammy asked one of the bodyguards, Kunal had arranged. She had been moved to a basement of one of Kabeer's downtown houses, disguised as a bodyguard. Sammy's fill-in now lived in Kunal's house, to help them track uncle. The only challenge was, no one knew how he looked like now, after all those years, except for maybe Papaji, who was still struggling to buy a flight ticket.

The basement was nothing as she had imagined. It had everything; a television, a comfortable sofa, cosy bed, an extra lavish bathroom and a small equipped corner kitchen. She would've loved to spend some me time, if not for those bunch of bodyguards watching her every move. And though being guarded by dozens of muscular bodies, should've put her mind as ease, she couldn't stop worrying about Kunal. She hadn't liked the idea of hiding in a safe haven, while he faced the danger all by himself, but her protests had fell on deaf ears.

Spy cams covered majority of the area of Kunal's house, hardly leaving any blank spots. Nancy's work contract was terminated, after Kabeer expressed his suspicion. Now, everyone waited for uncle's next move, which came faster than expected. Couple days later, when Kunal left the house one afternoon, a tall skinny guy dressed in all black, face covered with a mask and a hood, spookily entered in the property jumping over a wall. He looked around cautiously as he stealthily moved towards the porch and placed a small box on the stair, before he rang the doorbell and ran off.

Sammy's fill-in, Natasha, sceptically opened the door. Her body features were very similar to Sammy's. Majority of her face was covered by her hair, making it really hard for anyone to distinguish from far. She took the box inside and opened it carefully. Dead white lilies filled the box with a note on the top.

Old Uncle Sky, is out on a hunt.

Run for your life, else bear the brunt

Kunal's phone buzzed and notification popped up the screen. He was inside a mini-van of the agency, watching the live cameras. When he clicked open the message, his body shuddered and he forgot to breathe. The next moment, he recovered and hastily began dialling Kabeer. "Where are you?" Kunal breathlessly asked him.

"On my way to check on Sammy. Why?"

"Just step on the gas, we have no time. I'm coming there too" Kunal disconnected the call and off he drove to Kabeer's downtown house.

The two reached the place at the same time and dashed into the house. Erie silence filled the living, which certainly wasn't a good sign. Moving further inside when they discovered unconscious bodies of the bodyguards lying on the ground, they sprinted towards the basement only to find it empty.

Samaira was gone.


Blindfolded, hands tied to each side of the chair and ankles tied together, Samaira sat unconscious in the middle of a huge abandoned warehouse. Slowly as she gained consciousness, she moaned in pain. She felt woozy, as if someone had sucked all the blood off her. Her throat was dry and no words came out when she tried asking for water.

"Welcome my child." A man whispered in her ears sending chills down her body. She didn't need to guess; his sinister voice was imprinted in her memory. "Sky uncle..." she whimpered.

"Of course, my little devil. Who else would it be other than your favourite uncle?"

"You killed my parents" Samaira snapped at him. Though she felt scared and intimidated by him, her anger overpowered everything else.

"Did I? Or was it you?" Sammy didn't need to see to know, he grinned.

"You had told me, you'll take care of the fire, but you didn't. You left us to die" Sammy scowled. An unbearable pain rose in her chest.

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