Chapter 20

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**** Pic of Rihaan above ***

He dashed into her room which was seemingly dark with all curtains closed and lights turned off. Sammy sat on the floor, at the other corner of the room, holding her knees close to her chest, face tugged in its hollow; silently whimpering.

"It's alright, I am here now." He spoke as he approached her. Soaked in sweat, she shook like a leaf when he touched her. Embracing her, he caressed her back and said, "Sammy, look at me. It me, your brother." She lifted her head slightly to glance at him and wept like a baby planting her head on his chest. Her brother being next to her, comforted her to a great extent. Kabeer fed her a calming med, which she always carried with her and once she normalized enough to form words, he asked her what had happened.

"That person... knows everything. He sent me... t-that thing today. I have to talk to Papaji. Only he can save me." Sammy rattled. Kabeer went to the living wondering what the gift had anything to do with her. Knowing his step-father, he had somehow expected some commotion while Kunal was away, but things weren't as simple as two plus two. Bhalla was like an iceberg and what Kabeer and Kunal knew was just the tip of it. By the time Kabeer was back to the room, Sammy had already dialled her Papaji, "Do you still have it?" she asked him.

"I do. But why are you asking out of the blue? Is everything okay?" Papaji asked worried, but Sammy didn't bother to answer; she was more desperate to find hers.

"Send me its picture immediately." She told him. Kabeer snatched the phone from her hand and signalled her to shut-up, as he walked out the room talking to Papaji. Once he was out of her view, he whispered to him viewing the box in his hand.

"Someone sent her a cigarette lighter as a gift and now she's losing her mind over it." Kabeer told him and with the way Papaji sighed, he knew things weren't so simple. Kabeer sent him some pictures of the lighter asking, why she reacted the way she did.

"This... This is different from the one I have with me. That thing was the cause of fire years ago. Does she remember anything from that day?"

"No. She is mortified right now and isn't co-operating much."

Papaji asked Kabeer to let her be for a while and secretly investigate this issue, while keeping a close eye on her, util they find the culprit. Kabeer sighed; he had no explanation to justify his theory on the probable culprit in his mind any longer. The whole incident had mentally exhausted Sammy. She slept early that night and Kabeer gave a heads up to Kunal including his discussion with Papaji.

"Don't speak anything and just listen. I think the house is bugged. There's no way for that person to know she was alone in there, otherwise. I am sure we are being watched. I am sending a friend who'll help you with it." Kunal told him. Nancy was missing exactly when the gift was delivered and came back only when things normalized; Kabeer doubted it to be mere coincidence. He didn't trust Nancy even one bit, but he decided to not tell Kunal until he had a valid proof.

Kabeer's phone rang late that night. "Pretend to talk to your friend and move out to the yard" Kunal told him, who did exactly that. "My friend is in the basement, he'll first cut off power and then work on the bug. You be with Sammy till then, so she doesn't panic."

"Alright" Kabeer walked into Sammy's room and sat on the comforter next to her bed, while she slumbered peacefully in that darkness totally unaware of the situation; Kabeer giggled, hearing her snore. At around six in the morning, Kunal messaged Kabeer to inform him of the house been debugged. Thankfully Sammy's room wasn't bugged; if it was, Sammy would've creeped out, especially after her adventurous hook-up with Kunal. If not anything else, she would've definitely killed the culprit for filming her naked.

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