Chapter 19

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"That wife of yours must be a headache for you" my aunt commented while chewing on a mouthful of pasta, she guessed this one right though.

"But she's really pretty... you got lucky cous" Andrew chimed in and for some reason that really annoyed me, I know me and Amber have our differences but that doesn't mean I'll let creeps like him say stuff like this about my wife.

Yea that's right, she's my wife but I hate her so I shouldn't really be caring about who finds her pretty or ugly!

I ignored both my aunt and my cousin, and instead focused on the steak that was infront of me, it's stupid but I was thinking about her, she didn't look very well when I left her and I'll be honest I wasn't very proud of the way my relatives treated her.

She seemed hurt by the fact that I didn't care to go to her grandma's funeral but she shouldn't feel that way, it's not like we're a real couple and the business trip was actually somewhat important... I breathed heavily before digging into my steak.

"Someone's ignoring us tonight" Andrew said with a smirk plastered on his face, for some reason I really wanted to punch him in the face right now but I know I have to control myself.

"It's not like that, I'm just really tired" I said and saw my aunt roll her eyes at me, don't get me wrong, I love her but she can be really annoying with her commentary at times.

"Come on Evelyn, give the boy a break, he just came back from a week long business trip" my father told my aunt who didn't look very happy.

"But I thought your wife's grandma had passed away?" she asked.

"Well yes but the business trip was very important and she insisted I go" I lied and I don't know but something inside me twisted, all this felt so wrong.

"Huh just admit it Isaac, your father threw you in this shitty arranged marriage and you're not happy with that good for nothing girl" my aunt said pushing away the plate of pasta from which she was eating, she seemed really pissed off by this whole arrangement but I wouldn't blame her, I too am pissed off by all of this.

"It's not like that-" I wasn't even able to finish my sentence when Ethan piped in.

"Your marriage with Amber was arranged?" he asked in pure disbelief and I just nodded, I hate aunt Evelyn for revealing such a secret infront of Ethan and Andrew, they both looked quite shocked by this discovery.

"Evelyn I think you've said enough for tonight" my father said with authority but my aunt wasn't having it, she was his sister after all.

"Yes I'll shut up now but please do tell your younger son and nephew how you literally destroyed Isaac's life for the sake of your best friend who isn't even alive anymore" my aunt huffed out loud before getting up in anger and leaving, Andrew followed her while me and Ethan decided to stay back with dad. My aunt sure knows how to create a scene.

I saw dad's face twist in anger but dad being dad calmed himself down almost instantly, I could see Ethan's eyes searching for answers in mine but I looked away because I myself was confused about everything that had happened.

"Dad... was aunt Evelyn-" Ethan didn't even have to complete his sentence when dad started nodding in agreement.

"I'm sorry I had to hide it from you" dad explained but Ethan wasn't having it, he looked quite hurt.

"I'm your son, you shouldn't have to hide something so important from me when even aunt Evelyn knows about it" Ethan said in a low voice, he really was hurt by the fact that we hid all this from him.

Dad took a deep breath and then looked at the both of us "I'm sorry okay, there's no justifying the wrong that I've done" he said before looking at me apologetically.

"Me and Robert were the best of friends since our university days, he was that one friend I knew I could always count on... when Amber was born Isaac was only four, call us crazy but we really wanted our kids to marry each other and we found ourselves talking about marrying Amber off to Isaac quite often.... but we knew this concept is outdated and we naturally gave up on the idea but then your mom passed away, I could see how disturbed Isaac became, how much he missed his mom and how fast he had to grow up for the sake of his baby brother" dad continued, he had tears in his eyes now and it really hurt to see him so vulnerable.

I opened my mouth to say something but dad stopped me with a show of his hand indicating he had more to say.

"I'm sorry boys, I'm so sorry for failing you... I loved Julie dearly and losing her really took a toll on me... I got so busy with running my business that I never really got the time to be there for you... you had to grow up by yourselves and I hated to see how my always cheerful Isaac became so aloof and serious, and responsible, how he grew up before time just so he can take care of his little brother" he said.

"I'm confused dad" I said earnestly, I really wanted to understand his perspective on the situation now.

"Amber was always so joyous as a kid, everytime I visited Robert she made sure to come and greet me, she loved telling me about what she was reading at that time, she used to read me stories from her little story books and that really warmed my heart, she grew up and so did you, I initially wanted you both to meet under good circumstances, it was like I somehow knew she'd be perfect for Isaac, that she'd bring joy into his world and give him the love he deserves... I was so certain that Isaac would fall in love with her for sure but then, Amber got into a serious relationship with a guy named Tyler and everything changed" a tear rolled down his cheek, he really was hurting.

"Dad it's okay, you don't need to -"

"Oh no, it's okay, I want to hear the full story" I was shocked to see Ethan interrupt me like this but I guess he's right here, we both deserve to know the truth actually.

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