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MTL Novel
A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me
Chapter 16: 016

After taking care of the keys, the two men quickly came out of the counter.

At this time, the footsteps were getting louder and louder. The chef had already walked out of the kitchen, and he still had a kitchen knife in his hand. His appearance was very horrible, and he looked at a few people.

Everyone is holding their breath, and unlike the other, Wang Ge and others have not seen the true taste of the chef. At this time, they almost shook hands.

In the next moment, the chef suddenly walked in the direction of someone. The chopper in his hand waved around, and the force was extremely heavy. The first time it fell to the grandchild table. With the loud noise, the kitchen knife was directly placed on the table. Knocked open, the pieces of wood splashed around.

Sun Shi's face brush became pale, and took a look at the direction of the second floor, but the road has been blocked by the chef's strong, he has no way, pulled out and ran outside the hotel.

Wang Ge, who was talking with the waiter, was also shocked. Where did he dare to stay here and flew up to the second floor.

Peng Yucang frowned: "It seems that we have got the key to trigger something, bad, have to go up quickly."

But unfortunately, their way to the road is just blocked by the chef. No matter what, the process of going to the other side will hit the other side, unless the sacrifice of a person to stop here, otherwise it will not pass.

"You go up first, let me drag him here." Peng Yucang decisively decided.

"Is this all right?" Gu said.

"I have props that can save my life temporarily." Peng Yucang said with a hard scalp: "You can still delay, you go upstairs as soon as possible to investigate the truth here... so that we have a chance."

In the recent incident, Peng Yucang noticed that Gu Wuji actually went to drive Wang Ge away from the grandson who had been possessed by evil spirits, or with a black-faced attitude, completely did not care about Wang Gehui. It will not be because of this, he will hate him... He really did not expect that such a good person who does not ask for a return will really appear in this copy of the world, and still live to the present.

Because of this, Peng Yucang felt that he could trust him and he would like to stay here to drag others.

If you change to other teammates or even an organization, Peng Yucang will not have this sense of trust. Who knows if he will be killed by others at once.

"Thank you." Gu Wuji also looked dignified. "But you don't have to do this." He said, he walked in the direction of the chef.

"What? Don't care?" Peng Yucang hurriedly said, "Wait, don't be impulsive, although I don't know what props you used to temporarily suppress the killings of these evil spirits, but there is only a dead end in this way."

When the voice fell, I saw that Gu did not reach out and patted the chef's arm. The tone was full of familiarity, just like talking to any neighbor. "I just thank you for your help."

The original murderer was like a chef who would hack all the people in the next moment. Now he just nodded and looked at Peng Yucang. He seemed to have a warning in his eyes and then turned back to the kitchen.

Peng Yucang has been sluggish, "???"

What, this chef is still good with Gu?

"In fact, I didn't even tell you that I was embarrassed." Gu Wuji said with apologetic tone: "After all, Sun is there, who knows that he will see us going to the third floor will not do anything to hinder, so I have already asked the chef big brother before."

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