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MTL Novel
A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me
Chapter 116: do not buy

In the city base, a special event dinner is being held.

At this time, three years have elapsed since the end of the last days. Although it was very chaotic at first, nowadays, under the seat of powerful abilities, the bases are very peaceful. Whether it is an ecstasy or an ordinary person, as long as you can live a stable life in the base, of course, ordinary people will have a hard time.

The evening banquet hall is quite luxurious, and there are even rare wines and precious foods that are rare after the end of the world. They are very precious materials, and they are in the middle of the last days.

In the venue, the most eye-catching is the first versatile person in the city, Chu Jin, who has a very beautiful face, gentle and elegant temperament, like a genius who should be sought after by nature.

At the same time, he also has a strong six-level water system abilities, and several times in the zombie tide to turn the tide to save the base. It can be said that Chu Jin is the central figure of the city, and there are countless fanatics. Even the person in charge of the base wants to marry the woman, but he is euphemistically rejected, saying that he can't get married before the base is completely stabilized.

Only Shao said, don't look so perfect, so this guy is a big scum male villain!

In the eyes of others, Shao’s remarks as a healing abilities are the loyal dog brothers of Chu Jin. They care about others and only care for the enthusiasm of Chu Jin. The level of diligence makes people suspect that he is the foundation. guy.

Every time I heard such remarks, Shao’s heart was indifferent. If the system forced him to hang on to each other, how could he make such a shameful move!

A few months ago, Shao Ci was still a houseman who had not left home for a few months, but was bound by a mysterious 'friends with the highest value of the force' system, and directly put him into this "end of the world" The strongest abilities.

"The strongest powers of the last days" is the end of the world, although the male master has a variety of open abilities, but it is a scorpio scorpion physique, where to die, like a man's sister After the confession, he will surely receive the lunch, and the people around him will also be able to get a lunch within 100,000 words. It is simply miserable.

And Chu Jin, is one of the villains of this article. He is a person who looks great and is very motivated. He uses all the things he can use to achieve his own purpose. He is gentle to everyone, but it is all acting. In fact, he never put anyone in it. In my heart.

As for this ruined "highest force" system, it is actually a shameless thigh system. You can know the name! This kind of system will not bring happiness.

This system will automatically lock the person with the highest force value currently encountered as the Raiders object, and then the daily task will appear randomly. If you don't do it, you will have a very bad punishment.

In the past few months of holding thighs, no, being friends, Shao’s resignation is a deeper feeling of how Chu Jin is.

I have already done a few months of daily brushing, and Chu Jin is very touched on the surface, but in fact... his good feeling is 0.

While the degree of good feelings is 0, there are occasional alienation and occasional gentle hanging of himself. Shao Yan admire his acting skills. If Shao Yan is really a foundation, he will fall.

Fortunately, this system does not have the mandatory feeling of how much to brush, or Shao Yan feels that he will probably be accounted for here.

[Daily Mission: Please host and Raiders to say hello (0/1)]

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