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Chapter 166: Eleventh copy

Looking at the stern ghosts that were tied in the tactics, Yang Shao and Xiao Qin began to doubt life.

Why is it going so smoothly! They have all prepared their lives to be here, thinking that they must pay for the sacrifice of blood to kill the ghosts... In the end, it was only solved by a violent fight. !

They now feel that they are dreaming.

Yang Shaozhi thinks that he is still in a state of amnesia, and how terrible this person is if there is still memory! Fortunately, he hadn’t done anything to make him blind.

Gu Wuji is sitting next to the ghost, and his expression is very fierce. "You honestly tell who is letting you make such illegal crimes! Do you know how sorry you are that Yang Shao trusts you?" ?"

When Yang Shaoyi was in silence, he finally realized that Gu Wuji seemed to default this ghost to his own bodyguard, and he seemed to have added him to the bitter plot... This imposed on the shackles of Gu Wuji. It’s too scary! Seeing that Xiao Qin, who is next to him, has been shocked to restore his memory, but Gu has no doubt that there is no ghost in the world!

The devil is also aggressive, and even feels the grievances. He has never seen this person before, how can he be sorry for his trust?

But in the end, this devil's mentality is a child. After being beaten up by Gu, he was also afraid of Gu. However, it is also aware that Gu is not a good person, so it is not so bad.

The devil is honest and confessed, and it seems that he has been locked in a dark place, and he has been in pain. Then he suddenly got out of the room and was free to be in the scope of these two houses. action.

Originally, it saw that these few living people did not count, and they felt that their chances were coming. The souls of these living people might be completely free, but God knows that these people are living... especially inside. Gu Wuji, actually so fierce and evil, more terrible than ghosts.

When Yang Shao felt what was revealed in the other party's words, he immediately asked: "When did you get out?"

There are some doubts about the ghost. "It is not too long ago."

"Sure enough." Yang Shao's face sank. "This village chief must want to use what we do to deliberately let us come to this room."

Gu Wuji probably seems to understand the meaning. I didn't expect the village chief to have a relationship with Yang Shao's wealthy grievances. This village is really dangerous.

"What happened to your companion now?" Gu Wuji asked, he can remember that Yang Shao has two bodyguards... and secretly does not know how many people want to be disadvantageous to Yang Shao.

Li Gui thought that the other six sealed ghosts were immediately asked: "I can feel their breath, they wake up, in other parts of the village... and the most fearful It seems to be..."

The two are clearly speaking the chicken and the duck, but the topic is surprisingly connected.

"It turns out that." Gu Wuji's face sank and thought in his heart. "I still woke up and took the means of transportation to leave the village to go outside for help. The village is estimated to have no safe place."

After that, the ghosts who were bound by the shackles continued to be thrown here, and they shouted the other two back to sleep.

Yang Shao and Xiao Qin’s walk back to the hall, and they still remembered the words that had been explained before the devil. In such a terrible situation, they should be filled with haze, but when they think about the harmonious picture of the conversation between the devil and the devil, they feel that there is nothing...

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