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MTL Novel
A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me
Chapter 31: Realistic copy

The shadow ghost came out of the housekeeper's room, which had been scared to lose consciousness, and came to the hallway.

When I thought of the fear of reaching the extreme before the butler, the shadow ghost felt that he was too overworked. Is he so terrible? He is trying his best to think about how he can grasp the degree. When he floats to the corner, he suddenly feels a little wrong.

It's already a ghost. Of course he is fearless. He turns his head and immediately notices strange things.

That is the mirror at the end of the corridor.

Unexpectedly, the mirror reflected his appearance.

"this is......"


Between the half-sleeping and the half-awake, I feel like I am coming to a noisy space.

The footsteps continued to sound around him, as if a group of people were walking around him.

Countless sights fell on him, making people very uncomfortable.

Gu has no idea to open his eyes, and he sees a pair of bows staring at his eyes. Those eyes are full of sorrow. They probably don't know what they are.

But in all sights, only one person's line of sight has a color of grievance.

That person is -


He woke up.

Gu did not sit up and pick up the phone next to it, the time shown is seven o'clock in the morning.

Thinking of the weird dream of last night, he could not help but frown. Like the previous copy, his dream must have been related to this copy, but for the time being he could not think of anything.

When I looked at the room, Gu countlessly paused.

This room is not right.

No, not just the room, this whole space is not right.


Cheng Jia will be on the sofa for one night. When she was sore, she saw that she was sitting next to her and looked at herself with a serious look. He suddenly took a breath and the body suddenly sat up straight. What happened? Gu master?"

Gu Wuji reached out and squeezed Cheng Jia's chin and looked at it carefully.

Such a close distance, Cheng Jia simply can not breathe, he certainly does not dare to think about Gu Master, but it is really stressful to be looked at by idols! Coupled with Gu's identity and this dignified look, Cheng Jia is worried that he is going to die.

At last, he gave up his hand and relaxed his tone. "Well, you are Cheng Jia."

"Gu Gu, what does this mean?" Cheng Jia is not good for the whole person. "Is it not me?"

"That's not necessarily. You see, this room is different from before." Gu Wuji said.

"It seems a bit strange?" Cheng Jia looked around, but it was not his room. It was too tired yesterday. He couldn't see where the problem was in the middle of the day. He only felt that there was nowhere to say. Surprising.

"All the facilities in the room are reversed, completely different from yesterday." Gu Wuji indulged, opened the curtain on the wall, and suddenly a mirror of one person appeared in front of them, almost reflecting the room. The whole picture, "It's like... we all entered the world of mirrors."

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