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Chapter 151: Tenth copy

Seeing that other players have been on the servant, the number is just the same, and the strength seems to be almost the same. Gu Wuji was relieved a little, so there was more time for him to complete this magical array.

What everyone did not notice was that Rong Qingman had quietly walked toward the gate while others were in chaos.

The feeling of pain from the fingertips seems to be ignorant. It doesn't matter if you can leave this place, and he has the ability to heal, and he can avoid the problem of excessive blood loss.

But this magical array is not as simple as it is imagined. Although the complicated lines have been thoroughly remembered, in the process of drawing, the magic array still seems to constantly absorb his anger, let The man was pale in an instant, and the cold sweat continued to fall from his forehead.

If he didn't have the ability to heal, he suspected that he would faint on the spot. He suddenly felt that he had done too much to interrupt other people's rituals before. It was a ruin of the labor of others!

What's strange is that there seems to be a force behind him. Even if he doesn't plan to paint, his hands are faintly moved on the ground. He can feel the strong desire of the evil spirit to be summoned by him. The impulse to come out!

If it weren't for him, how could this magical array be done! Gu has no guess that it is possible to use the traces of the magical array of Felicia's father as a prototype... but he can paint himself anyway, and he will not find the thing.

Felicia sighed softly. "If it's just like this, it's still too far away." He took a photo album from the cabinet next to him, and he was the one who saw it on the first day.

But at this time, everyone can clearly feel the horror of this album, it is not an ordinary album, but a book that enriches countless resentment and hosts ghosts.

At the moment when Felicia opened, there were ghosts whose bodies had turned gray. They looked at each other, but they could also see the traces of familiarity... These ghosts were the players who were missing before.

Other players saw this picture suddenly shocked. They know that their companions are estimated to be dead, but they did not expect these people to become ghosts repeatedly used!

"Go." Felicia's voice rang softly. "Prevent him from painting the magical array. If it succeeds, I will give you freedom."

After the sound of Felicia fell, the ghosts suddenly rose up, just like the unwillingness to fly in the direction of the carelessness... Of course they were already dead.

The other players who are still alive are shocked. It feels like this is 80% of the time it is going to be cold. This is equivalent to all other players dealing with him!

I didn’t care about it, but I was still indifferent. I didn’t seem to care about it at all. I also focused on painting things in my hand and shouting loudly. “It’s time!”

Rong Qingman, who had been hiding for a while, didn't open the door, but he wanted to make the door's ban open by some gaps. If it wasn't for him, I wouldn't have been able to accomplish this task.

In the next moment, things that made everyone feel awkward, and countless ghosts poured in from the outside world, and under the leadership of a ghost, they suddenly entered this space.

The ghost headed by the ghost is the ghost who had never looked around. After knowing the truth of the matter in the daytime, he did not know how to communicate with these ghosts.

There are almost countless other ghosts in this house, all of whom are dead in this place, some are people who existed in this world, and some are players. In any case, they have been shackled for too long in this place, almost losing their consciousness and becoming a ghost-like ghost.

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