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Chapter 136: Tenth copy

Unconsciously, the sky has completely darkened, and everyone has only oil lamps in their hands.

But the style of the oil lamp is very simple, it is illuminated by the candles in it, the light is very dim, and it can only illuminate the range of half a meter around itself. And if the wind is a little bigger, it will even make people suspect that the candle will go out.

Everyone knows the importance of this oil lamp. After all, this oil lamp is an indispensable item in this copy. It is not only for those ghosts to be able to stay away from themselves, but more importantly, only this oil lamp can reflect the existence of the gods in this building.

Although they don't know exactly how to get the other side of the gods in this copy, but if you think about it with your brain, you will think that the gods will definitely reward the most pious people in all.

This is equivalent to the fact that only the person who has collected the most tokens can gain the privilege of being the most devout believer. This has made many players ready to move. They came here to gain strength.

At the moment when the yin is the most lively in the house, everyone understands that everything has begun.

The decoration in this hall has become quaint in a dazzling way, and it gives people a sense of strangeness in the eyes, making them feel like they have crossed the building a hundred years ago.

The strange thing is that the roads that lead to other places have been disrupted, and there are ramps to all places. No one knows where these ramps lead.

Everyone naturally does not communicate with others, but instead walks toward the chosen entrance. In order to avoid conflicts, no one chooses the same entrance.

Although Rong Qingman is very worried about his carelessness, but in this case, he is not likely to stay in the hall and wait for nothing. There is also a hidden rule in this house that staying in one place for more than five minutes will lead to a more powerful ghost.

"Hey, I knew that I had made clear the important things about this copy on the boat. I thought I could have time later. Who knows that Felicia actually..." Rong Qingman couldn’t help but sigh, and his heart was strong. Remorse.

These people, for this copy, which was not studied for a long time, investigated a lot of information, and then they know the default rules in the copy. You can come in without knowing anything like this...

"I hope he will find a safe room to hide now, and wait until dawn to come out. Otherwise, in the absence of oil lamps, staying in this building is no different from finding death." Rong Qingman can only hope so.

The ghost in this copy is by no means a good deal... although there are a lot of low-level ghosts that can be easily dealt with, but if you kill a low-level ghost, it will lead to a higher-level ghost.

Those who have been the ghosts of the devout believers, can even use part of the power of the world's gods, and run into a life of death unless there is God's care.


Gu Wuji still continued to walk in the building, and the surrounding area was dark. If it wasn't because of the many improvements in his physique, he could hardly see the road around him.

One person and one ghost have encountered some low-level monsters on the road, all of which are derived from the grievances. These were all solved by the use of kitchen knives.

This picture is regarded as a threat by the ghost, scared the body almost shivering, thinking that this is what a terrible person!

In fact, Gu Wuji feels that he is quite kind, because the system is asking him to be indifferent to people. It doesn't matter if the ghosts are kind.

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