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Chapter 141: Tenth copy

The old Tan and male players who stayed in place were still in shock, and they felt like they had just had a dream.

This is nothing to be said about whether he is a personal, why the female ghosts are stalked by him!

Although Gu seems to be human, even a player with a surname on the outside... but the memory of the player in some of the more advanced copies will be tampered with, and will not even remember that they are in the copy, and will The ghost thinks it is a close person.

What's more, it may be that the ghost kills the Guru and replaces it. This is not too difficult for the ghost.

Lao Tan felt a strong fear. He suspected that he had just been walking with a ghost. Fortunately, he did not directly threaten people with a low profile. Otherwise, he must have died and can no longer die.

But they immediately reacted, and the female ghosts ran. Isn't that a good time to get the tokens? After the two eyes were opposite each other, they couldn’t wait to make a big shot. They rushed to the front of the portrait and reached out to the tokens in the portrait.

Just when the hands of both of them touched the portrait, the eyes of the male master on the portrait turned into a blood red color, and a very embarrassing smile was drawn against the two people. A lot of black fog filled the back of him. Out.

The two suddenly stopped, they did not expect the female ghost is just the surface of this portrait, this portrait is still wrapped around another ghost! !

But don't say that they ran away. They didn't even have a screaming time, so they were directly drawn into the portrait by the black fog.


Gu Wuji had no time to think about what the sound that appeared in his mind was, and the subconscious opened the door in front of him. He immediately felt the feeling of passing through a layer of liquid at the beginning, and entered the room with a little embarrassment. Inside.

The door behind it was automatically closed. Gu Wuji noticed that it was a bedroom, the room was dark, and only the oil lamp on the table gave off a faint glow.

The curtains on the side of the bedroom have been pulled to death. The outside world calls the sound of thunder and lightning. In the squally showers, the ghost-like tree shadows continue to knock on the windows, making people feel fear in their hearts.

Of course, Gu Wuji believes that it is really possible that the ghost is really.

On the side of the bed, there was a figure, and he was curling up in the quilt and shivering with faintness.

Gu Wuji guessed that after pushing the door, he should enter another space. The buildings are estimated to be connected to other places at night, that is, whether they are directed or randomly transmitted. .

Gu went to the front and took a few steps. The person on the bed seemed to have heard the movement. Immediately, he turned over, and a face with a frightening color appeared in front of him.

This is the little girl who Gu did not help yesterday, but the other side looks like a one or two years older than yesterday. After all, the child develops very quickly and soon looks different from before.

But compared to the leap of time, the bigger problem is... If you look at it carefully, he finds that the other person should be a little boy. Because he was so cute, he had mistaken the gender before.

Of course, such a thing has not been taken care of immediately, and no one has seen it anyway.

Still lingering on the ghost of nothingness: "..." It seems that he must not be reminded at this time.

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