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Chapter 146: Tenth copy

When the voice falls, the viper has suddenly turned and is ready to run.

But the road behind him did not know when a huge monster had appeared, completely blocking the way, scared the snake to take a cold breath.

When was he so embarrassed, now he still has to fall to the point where his life is dangerous... The snake’s heart is full of remorse and fear, and he feels that he is really a brain pumping. This is a terrible guy, it’s not at all. people!

There was no reason to watch him seem to be preparing to say anything, but in the eyes of the poisonous snake at this time, Gu was nothing but horrible than the ghost. When he was shocked, he slammed back into the wall and suddenly touched one behind him. Door handle.

In this copy, entering any door at night is a very dangerous act, and no one knows where these doors will lead.

But the viper can't manage it, and quickly presses the doorknob and rushes directly into the unknown world behind the door.

When the door is closed, it disappears directly, leaving only the empty walls.

Gu Wuji: "..." He originally wanted to catch the snake to ask the situation. He did not expect the other party to run so eagerly.

"Forget it, let's go."

For Gu Wuji, this is just a small episode on the road.

The group continued to move forward, and other players on the way who noticed that the scene was stunned, they did not dare to approach the side of the road, but they all quietly followed behind, feeling that it would be extremely important to see this copy. s things.

Perhaps because of the existence of those monsters, even the ghosts are all escaping, so that the surrounding players can walk very smoothly, no longer need to hide in Tibet in order to avoid the ghosts, so that other players feel it. A touch.

However, the power of these ghost-like monsters seems to be difficult to maintain for too long and quickly dissipated in the air. Gu Wuji secretly recorded the time. If he met him at least, he could at least know how long it would take to get out.

And Rong Qingman also heard more about this copy.

Everything that happened to this owner was almost the same as the diary that she had seen before. The owner himself survived a shipwreck, but he became a fanatic of the evil spirits and met many of his own experiences. People also tried to get all kinds of information about summoning evil spirits from various channels.

And his purpose is to summon God to this point and let his wishes come true. In short, this place has become extremely strange in this process.

This lake is not an ordinary lake. It is said that there have been many strange things around it, and there are rumors of many people who have died, causing the surrounding residents to move away. The owner was staying here after the shipwreck.

The lake is extremely deep and there are still many undercurrents in the water. What is strange is that it is very convenient when coming here. But if you want to leave, you need a special boatman to row, otherwise the average person will only fall into the situation of ghosts playing the wall.

Of course they noticed the speciality of the boatman and asked who it was, but the believers shook their heads. They never paid attention to it. They only knew that when they had something to leave, the boatman always stood at the bow.

"I only know that only people who believe in piety can leave, otherwise they will be swallowed up by the lake and become the soul of the lake."

Both of them are complex and feel that it is a hard fight to leave the island afterwards.

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