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Chapter 161: Eleventh copy

The residence that the village chief arranged for them was a building at the entrance to the village.

It seems that there is no time to live here, it is covered with dust, but it is almost after the cleaning. Although it is worn out, there are not too many problems with several big men living.

Gu Wuji noticed that although the building was not one of the seven buildings marked, it was also opposite one of the buildings.

As long as you stand at the door, you can clearly see the buildings that are very dark and ruined. It is still in the daytime, but it is not light enough. The wind blows like the door is going to be blown away, but it is piercing. The squeaking voice of the door has been half-closed, and no one knows what is hidden inside.

And the strangest thing is that the building and the house where Gu Wuji lived were exactly the same, but the direction was different. It looked like it was looking across the mirror.

The villagers who helped them to clean up were all reluctant, and they were still unlucky in the mouth, but because everyone did not believe in the existence of ghosts, they did not do the same thing.

Still have no doubts about the doubts, "What happened to this house before?"

"That's all the old things." The villager shook his head. "Look, you are the trust of the village chief. I will tell you... After the village had been out of those things, the houses were already very strange." Now, nothing has happened yet, and everyone lives in the ordinary."

"But in the previous period, there was something strange in the opposite house. The most terrible thing was that the family who lived here suddenly declared that they had seen the ghosts, and the ghosts still killed them! After a while, they went crazy. Killing each other..."

"Oh? Is it some time ago?" Gu Wuji said: "The strange things in this village have only appeared in this period of time?"

With such a thought, there are so many strange things happening here. It may not be that Yang Shao’s tyrannical grievances are tossed out alone. There may be other reasons in it.

"It is true, it is all recently." The villagers sighed. "Who knows what is going on, maybe the ghost in the rumor is finally coming to revenge us. I hope he can let us innocent people." ”

"Then why don't you leave the village?" Gu asked.

"Of course I want to go, but I can't go at all! Just leave here, and you will return to this place like a ghost wall. In addition to the outsiders who come to deliver the goods, others can't live without it." The villagers shook. Shaking his head, "I am shocked even if you come here."

"Is this the case?" Gu Wuji began to think, according to his rich reading experience and association ability, is it true that there is actually some kind of infectious disease in this village, or that the strange mold of yesterday will be transmitted to people? The hallucinations made them think that they were seeing ghosts and could not go out, so the village became so strange.

The more I think about it, the more I think the truth of the matter is, and I can’t help but feel nervous. I didn't expect this seemingly ordinary village to be so dangerous. He had to find a way to spread the news.

There must be no way to go by yourself, but the village must have to communicate with the outside world. He also saw some tractors and tricycles in the villagers’ homes. If you can borrow these vehicles to leave... the thoughts of nowhere are active.

After the villagers said this, things were almost cleaned up, and they all left, for fear of staying in this place for a second.

At this time, other people have already entered the door. Xiaoqin greeted me and rushed in. "Gu Ge, come in quickly, the village chief is really good, and we have prepared a lot of delicious food, and finally we can fill our stomachs. ...... 哎 You eat less, leave some for Gu Ge!"

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