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MTL Novel
A Crowd of Evil Spirit Lines up to Confess to Me
Chapter 96: 096

Even after a few breaths, nothing changed, and even the light in the room was a bit brighter.

Master 终于 finally couldn't help but speak. "How did you do it?"

"I did it very ordinary." Gu Wuji looked at everyone with a surprised look, as if wondering how these people didn't even know such common sense, immediately said, "Isn't the TV set so closed? ?"

Others: "..." No, yes, indeed this is common sense that everyone knows!


The master who has just been extremely prestigious, but still said that he can't turn off the TV station without solving the female ghost! As a result, if they are discriminated against by them, they will be shut down if nothing happens. This is...

Is it better to say that nothing is more powerful than the master?

But they can't help but think of the way they looked at the extreme layman before, and how this looks like ordinary, and can't tie this person to any master.

Presumably this is just a coincidence...

Just as everyone was suspicious, Gu looked at the TV set on the side and had a bit of doubt on his face.

At the time when the master had just put a spell on him, he clearly felt that a dangerous atmosphere had been brewed on this TV, but when he passed, he felt no danger.

"What happened?" Gu Wuji, although he still had some doubts in his heart, then he returned without any problems.

Xia Yangshuo sitting on the sofa immediately showed excitement, and he only felt safe when he was around Master Gu. He has already seen through it. The people in this room are not only Gu masters, but others are straw bags!

The surnamed Yuan, who is not dealt with by the master of the monk, is looking at Gu's eyes. It's soft and a lot of feelings. Even if he's just trying to make a mistake, this guts is amazing. Maybe after considering this, you can consider considering it. The other party is a disciple.

The master's face was extremely ugly, and I didn't expect this unexpected thing to happen. This TV set is by no means impossible to turn it off like this! Still, this ghost is a bluff, in fact, there is no such strong strength, before he was thinking too much about the other side?

In order to restore his majesty, the master immediately began to open his mouth. "Before I was not thinking about it. Indeed, dealing with this ghost can be started from the physical side. This little Gu is also mistakenly hitting..."

The voice has not yet fallen, the light is once again darkened, and the sound of the mirror creaking is stronger, and everyone suddenly thinks that there are ghosts and ghosts on the other side, and their faces have changed.

"Everyone doesn't have to worry. The ghost in this mirror doesn't look awkward. It's actually not that terrible." A middle-aged man got up and he seemed to be the one who had been arrogant before. People, "These ghosts can't really come out of the mirror, they can only intimidate us."

"Master, what should I do now?" Others couldn't help but ask.

Xia Pengyun's face appeared proudly, and he felt that his choice of eyes was really good. As long as there is a master in it... He looks at the direction of Gu Wuji and Xia Yangshao with a scornful look. Presumably everything before It's a mistake to hit it, turn off a TV set, and he can do it himself.

...but why he even saw that Gu Wuji is still eating food on the other side!

"The solution is very simple." Master said: "As long as I go up and drive these ghosts away, you must not be close, so as not to be seen by the ghosts in the mirror, when the body is likely to Was taken away."

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