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Chapter 131: 131

Some time ago, Cheng Liangzhen was hiding in the cabinet at the corner, looking out from the crack, and vaguely saw the dark shadow, could not help but hold his breath.

He couldn't turn anyway in this strange place, and he accidentally encountered a ghost. He was shocked that Cheng Liangzhen immediately found a place to hide as Gu said.

Cheng Liangzhu kept looking down at the phone in his hand. At this time, the information sent by the person who didn't know who it was was turned into his lifeline. Although he did not know who the other party was, he had a strong affection for the man.

However, the cold temperature made Cheng Liang's hands stiff and accidentally dropped the phone to the ground. The muffled sound, like a loud noise in this space, immediately attracted the attention of the ghosts around.

"Oops!" Seeing the ghost approaching this side, Cheng Liangqi took a deep breath and wanted to escape from the cupboard, but in the next moment, a hand suddenly grabbed his shoulder.

This cold temperature made him breathe in an instant, and his body was stiff and he couldn't turn his head. "It's a ghost, there are ghosts here..."

The ghosts of the outside world have also become closer, and Cheng Liangxuan's body can't move. He almost thought that he would like to be here. The mobile phone suddenly popped up with a hot search message, or it's about nothing.

Of course, Cheng Liangxi did not have time to pay attention to it under such circumstances. He closely followed the mobile phone's text message and almost thought that he would like to explain it here.

At this point, the phone suddenly sent a message, "I came to see you, you must hold on!"

In the heart of Cheng Liangxuan, a huge touch broke out. He stretched his hand and held down his mobile phone for a while, only to feel that he had met a peerless good man. But unfortunately, he has not seen the other side, he is no longer able to...

With such regrets, Cheng Liangzhen felt that his physical strength was not enough, so he fainted in the cabinet.

Almost the next moment, he rushed in without a plan, and reached out to clean up the ghosts outside and rushed to the place. To put it bluntly, Cheng Liangzhu is a living person, attracting a lot of ghosts to gather here, otherwise he will not arrive so soon.

After the female ghost got rid of the control, the yin of this place has disappeared, and these ghosts can no longer maintain the existence of any space, and they have not found the destination quickly.

Open the door of the cabinet, and seeing Cheng Liangxi, who fell to the ground, and a ghost behind him, the ghost looked up and looked at him.

This pair of eyes lasted for a few breaths.

Ghost: "??" What happened to this person?

The ghost immediately felt the scent of the former female ghost in Gu Buji. It was slightly silenced, and then he went out of the wall and looked at it by himself.

The ghost looked at him with horror. "What are you going to do?!"

"I just do a good job by the way." Gu Wuji directly purified this ghost.

Gu Wuji checked the physical condition of Liang Liangzhu, and he was relieved. "It's okay, just because the physical strength has been sucked away, there is no big problem. But the ghosts appearing here are just ordinary ghosts. They are at best scaring people to **** yang..."

It can't be said that Cheng Liangxi is not afraid to be afraid. It can only be said that people who have never seen a ghost suddenly encounter such a thing and may be too shocked.

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