Chapter 4: Familiar

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Error's POV:
After seeing Iris fall, me and Nightmare ran towards her, shaking her furiously to wake up. Nightmare called for Horror and Dust to take Iris to the medical room and heal her. After they left, I started wondering what the hell happened to her. She wasn't like this when I left, did she get into a fight or something? "Why is she so injured???" I questioned Nightmare. "Ink probably beat her up pretty badly." I looked at Nightmare, confused. "What does Ink have to do with this?" "I sent Iris to teach him a lesson but I didn't think it was that brutal-" "WHAT!? YOU MADE HER FIGHT INK WITHOUT ME KNOWING!?" I yelled at Nightmare with disbelief. Nightmare stood up and started yelling at me. "I THOUGHT SHE TOLD YOU AND INK DESERVES IT EITHER WAY!!!" "NO HE DOESN'T!" "WHY DO YOU EVEN CARE ABOUT HIM, WHAT'S SO SPECIAL ABOUT HAVE HIM THAT YOU'RE AGAINST HURTING HIM!?" "I LOVE HIM!!!" I covered my mouth, already regretting what I just said. Nightmare looked at me with disbelief. "you love the enemy...." Before he could say anything else, I ran off. I teleported to the anti-void and started throwing a tantrum everywhere. My strings were grabbing everything that came in contact and just started throwing them everywhere. After finally calming down, I just sat in the anti-void, huddling myself and stopping myself from crying.

No one's POV:
After Error left, Nightmare headed to the medical room to see if Dust and Horror have finished healing Iris. Turns out Iris doesn't like being healed by other people or touched. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO, STAY THE FUCK AWAY FROM ME!!!!" "IRIS, WE NEED TO PUT BANDAGES ON YOU-" "DON'T TOUCH ME YOU RE-" "what the hell is going on?" Nightmare walks into the room, sees Dust holding bandages, Iris standing on the bed, and Horror knocked out in the corner. "What happened to Horror?" Dust points at Iris. "She kicked him in the face and he's been like that for 10 minutes..." Nightmare shakes Horror awake while holding Iris still so that Dust can heal her. "Let me go, you hentai octopus!!!" Nightmare turns around and yells at her to shut it. "When will everyone stop calling me a hentai octopus???" Iris grunts, already staring at everyone with hatred, especially Nightmare. Nightmare lets Iris go and goes to see if Horror is still alive. "Alright Horror, get up, it's time for dinner..." Horror stood up and ran into the kitchen. "Well, that's my que to leave..." Iris begins opening a portal, ready to leave until Dust spoke up. "Would you like to join us or something?" Iris shakes her head, already stepping through the portal. "I wouldn't want to bother any of you boys, enjoy your dinner." Iris leaves, leaving Nightmare and Dust in the medical room. "Hmmm, she's weird..." "I guess but..." Nightmare shakes the strange feeling off, believing it wasn't true. "but what???" Dust asks, wondering what he was gonna say. "I've seen her before but I don't know where..." "Well, you can find out later, I'm starving..." Dust and Nightmare made their way to the dining room, where Horror is already finishing his meal. Killer was busy talking with Fell, who just wanted to hang out with them because he was bored. Nightmare ate his meal in silence, but couldn't shake the feeling that he saw Iris before. After finishing his meal, he noticed that Cross hasn't come down to eat. "Maybe he's still asleep..." Nightmare mumbled. "Who's asleep?" Fell asked. "Cross, now if you don't mind..." Nightmare stood up from his chair and headed to his room, where Cross was asleep or so he thought. "Cross, you're awake..." Nightmare said as soon as he walked into their room. Cross was sitting on their bed, reading an old book. "What are you reading?" Cross hid the book under the pillow, not wanting to get into trouble. "Cross..." "Before you even ask, I was looking through some books to find more information on Iris and that book I was reading gave me the information I needed." Nightmare blink, confused. "But why did you -" "It's your diary before you became corrupted..." Nightmare snatched the book from under the pillow and started reading it. On every page, it mentions Iris, him, and Error enjoying their time in Dreamtale, getting into trouble and having fun. Nightmare kept looking through the book, with every memory coming back to him as he read the pages. "She- she was my friend, me, her and Error.... But why didn't she say anything?" Nightmare asked, as tears started rolling down his bony cheeks. "Why...." Nightmare sat next to Cross, holding the book in his arms, hugging it to his chest. "I don't know, you should ask her..." "She already left, and even if she was here, what do I say? 'Hey, sorry I forgot about you existence for centuries, let's be friends again.'" Cross held Nightmare's hand, trying to keep him calm. "Maybe something happened to her, before or after your corruption, maybe after Error's curse?" "Maybe but still, I can't believe I forgot my own friend's existence, and her own name..." Cross and Nightmare sat next to each other in silence. "We should tell Error..." Cross whispered. "No, I just had a fight with him, he won't listen to me..." "What did you guys argue about?" "Error found out I sent Iris to hurt Ink and it didn't end well for both of us and when we were arguing, Error admitted that he loves Ink..." Nightmare said. Cross looks at him, surprised by what he told him. "Oh- um, we should still tell Error, I can do it for you if you want..." Cross suggested. Nightmare hugged him, his tentacles wrapped around Cross. "That's a great idea, I don't think I can face him yet..." Cross hugged Nightmare closely, understanding what he meant. "Okay, I'll tell him tomorrow. For now, let's get some sleep..." Cross and Nightmare lay on the bed, still hugging each other and fell asleep in their arms.


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