Chapter 10: Old Times

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~ flashback ~

No one's POV:

Two skeletons were sitting in a void filled with books and shelves that would change randomly. The two skeletons were in the middle of the ginormous library, the only place that didn't change. "I'm telling you Iris, I'm sure Error didn't mean it like that..." "But he took my chocolate and ate it in front of me." The two skeletons were arguing over what has happened in the Anti-void. "He still owes me an apology!" Iris grunted. She was smaller a few years back and would always wear an oversized sweater and carried a small bag with her. Her friend on the other hand looked different. He was a black boned skeleton with two red sockets and black pupils. He wore a white jacket that reached his legs, and had a black and gold belt around his waist. Underneath his white jacket was a turtleneck that had the color red on top that soon turned gold on the bottom. His name was Spirit, The Historian of the Multiverse. "Iris look. You know that I have literal files of each of you guys and in Error's file, he's-..... Nevermind, it saids here that he can be rude sometimes." Spirit was holding Error's file and put it back in a little shelf he had near his bed. "Told ya" Iris smiled as she leaned on his desk. "Well, I have to get going Spirit. The guys are probably wondering where I am right now." Iris started walking away from Spirit until she saw a code in one of the shelves. She grabbed it, inspecting it and decides to take it with her. It wouldn't hurt anybody if she took it, right????

~ present time ~

Spirit's POV:
I saw 6 skeletons hanging in Iris's void. I thought my mind was playing tricks with me until I heard one of them call for me. "HEY, CAN YOU HELP US???" Screamed the monochrome skeleton from above. I nodded and quickly floated towards them. "How did you guys end up like this???" I asked to the skeleton with a scar on his chest. "It was Iris, she keeps saying that she'll kill us or something. Can you please get us out of here?" I nodded and quickly grabbed the scissors the skeleton was hiding. I managed to cut them all down and put them on the floor safely. "Where the hell am I supposed to take you guys???" I asked. "Take us to Nightmare or Error NOW" The skeleton with black tears rolling down his cheeks demanded. I opened a portal and let the skeletons go through first and I followed behind. We landed in front of the Star Sans base. I knocked on the door and Error was the one who opened it. He noticed the skeletons behind me and immediately pushed me out of the way to hug one of them. "How did you get here Geno???" Error asked to the skeleton with the scar on his chest. "He helped us" Geno pointed at me as I stood where I was. Error grabbed my hand and shook it. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!" He lets go of my hand as he let the others into the house. I watched as Nightmare got tackled by 4 skeletons as the other 2 were talking with Error. I started walking outside until someone called out my name. "Spirit..." I turned around and faced Ink. He and I had our differences and he knew well that the stolen code from my realm is the same code that turned Error into a destroyer, his curse. Ink always thought I was the one who cursed him. Ink was glaring at me, his arms crossed. "Ink" I responded. "What are you doing here?" He asked. "I'm returning these skeletons that were in Iris's void. Don't know how they ended up there tho." I responded, actually wondering how they did get there. "What do you think genius, Iris captured them!" Ink screamed. I stayed still, processing what he said about Iris. "N- no. She- she's not like this. I'm sure she-" "STOP DEFENDING HER!!!" Ink screamed at me. I hesitated, still not wanting to believe she has become some corrupted being. "I've known her longer than you, she can't be- she can't be....." I started murmuring the possibility that my friend has become corrupted. Error grabbed me by the shoulder, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and slapped his hand away. "Look, I know it's hard to believe but-" "NO! YOU'RE WRONG!!! I'M NOT GOING TO BELIEVE SHE BECAME CORRUPTED AND IF SHE DID, IT WAS BECAUSE OF YOU-" I pointed towards Nightmare. "AND HIM!" I was shaking, my hands were trembling as my vision started to blur. Nightmare tried to get towards me but before he could, I slammed him straight to the wall. I was holding him by the neck until I felt sudden pain coming from my skull. I heard ringing and I fell to floor. The last thing I remember is seeing the others gather around me before I was knocked out.

No one's POV:

Everyone was gathered in the living room while Dream and Nightmare had carried Spirit to one of their rooms and set him there. They came back downstairs and sat with the others. "So, Ink..." Nightmare started. "You know who he is huh?" Ink nodded, as he sat in a chair. "His name is Spirit, another one of the early gods that existed. His role was to be the Multiverse Historian. He kept track of everything that has happened in this world and every timeline. He rarely comes out of his void, which is somewhat suspicious..." Ink paused and then look at Killer who was sitting next to Dream. "Killer." Ink said. Killer faced him. "What?" "Do you know why Spirit came to your guys when you were trapped in the void?" "How the hell am I supposed to know." Ink sighed as he stared at Error. Ink always debated if he should tell Error the truth but he couldn't. "You said he's a historian, right?" Nightmare asked. Ink nodded in agreement. "Then he knows what happened to Iris before. He keeps track of everything so he's gotta have a file of Iris." Ink's eyes lit up, understanding what Nightmare meant to say. "If we find her file then-" "We can stop her." Ink opened a portal to Spirit's void. As Ink entered the realm, he landed in the middle of the library and started looking around the place. "Now where would he hide it?" Ink looked around until he noticed the shelf next to a bed. He grabbed each file until he found the one that had Iris's name on it. Ink hopped back into the portal, holding the file in his hand. "I got it!" Ink exclaimed. He put the file on the desk as everyone started gathering around him. "Have you opened it yet?" Blue asked. "No but we are now." Ink grabbed the file and opened it. Everyone stayed quiet when Ink opened the file.

"It's empty..."

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