Chapter 6: Realization

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Horror's POV:
I was sleeping in my new room, texting Lust over the phone. It was past 11 until I heard knocking on the window. I head towards the window and see the small skeleton from earlier. I opened the window and saw her launch a rock at me. I ducked. "HEY-" "SHHHHHHH..." The skeleton shushed. This skeleton definitely wants Nightmare to kill her. " Get lost or Nightmare will kill you..." She rolled her pupils and started throwing rocks at me again. " Stop throwing rocks at me!!!" I screamed from the window. I climbed out and started heading her direction. " Did you read the note on the rock???" The small one said. I looked at her confused. "What note?" I asked. She grabbed the rock and pointed to the slip of paper on it. "Oh, anyway, why are you here???" The skeleton threw the rock behind her and heard a yelp. I saw someone moving from the shadows, getting closer. After they stepped into the moonlight, that's when I realized who it was. "Lust! What are you doing here?" I ran towards my lover, hugging him. "Well, she-", Lust pointed at the skeleton, "-came to me and told me to come with her. I asked her why and she explained to me that I should come with her to go see you as a sorry for kicking you in the face and knocking you out." I looked at the skeleton as she leaned on a tree. " Uh- thanks I guess. Wait, how did you-" She held her hand up, interrupting me. "Let's just say I know who you are and the other members of your gang..." She kept leaning against the tree, lazily. Me and Lust continued hugging each other, kissing and talking about what's been happening the last time we saw each other. "Alright lovebirds, Lust, you gotta get back to your AU or Ink is going to find out soon and Horror, I wouldn't want you to get in trouble with Nightmare so go back to sleep." Lust gave me a quick kiss before he left with the small skeleton. I climbed back into my room, being as quiet as possible. I slipped under the covers and fell asleep.

~next day~

Nightmare's POV:
Me and Cross left early, putting Killer in charge until we come back. I opened a portal to the Anti-void and saw Error making a doll. I was still nervous, telling him about Iris. Error noticed us and turned his head away. "I guess he's still mad at me." I thought quietly as we stood next to his bean bag. Error continued making his doll, ignoring us completely. We both stayed where we were, hoping Error will listen to what Cross says. "Um- Error..." Cross mumbled. "Go away..." Error grunted. Cross kept trying to talk to him, as I stayed behind him. Error kept denying trying to talk to us. I got tired of waiting and decided to speak up. "It's about Iris!" Error turned around, confused. "What does that anatomy have anything to do with us?" "Don't you remember her???" I asked. Error thought for a moment and suddenly his eyes widen. He looks at me, hoping he was wrong but my expression said everything. He stood up, grabbing the doll he was still making. I looked at it and noticed it was Iris. He looks at the doll and threw it to the side. He sat in his bean bag, still thinking. "She- she was our friend...." Error whispered. "How did we forget about her so easily?...." Error asked quietly. "I don't know..." I responded. "The only way I actually remembered her was from my old diary. It said everything about her but nothing else." I said. Error sat in his bean bag, trying to remember her more clearly. "What happened to her?" Error asked me, as he looked at my direction. "What happened to me!?" We all turned and saw Iris standing there. Error got up, trying to get close to Iris bit was pulled back by her strings. "WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHAT HAPPENED TO ME!? YOU LIED TO ME!!!" Iris screamed, as she summoned more strings. Error started pulling strings from his eye sockets, while me and Cross started getting into battle mode. "We don't have to fight Iris, just listen to us-" "I'M DONE LISTENING TO YOU BOTH, YOU'RE LIARS! LIARS, LIARS, LIARS!!!" Iris started sending more strings at our direction, as more tears rolling down her eyes. Error summoned blasters, as I send my tentacles towards her. She dodged all of them, and started sending sharp bones at our direction. Many of them hit my tentacles, as some barely scratched Error. Iris kept sending more attacks at us, until Error got close enough to hit her with his bone attacks. He sent bones to her side but one of them hit her straight to the arm. She let out a blood curling scream, as she tried pulling out the bone. Error tried to tie her up before she could attack us but she teleported away from him and threw the bone straight at him. He dodged, as Iris summoned a portal to escape. "You'll both pay for what you've done to me and I'll take away everything that you love and kill them." A portal opened behind Cross and he was pulled into the portal by Iris's strings. "CROSS!" I tried grabbing his arm with my tentacles but I wasn't able to reach him in time. I turned to Iris, seeing her smile at me and proceeded to glare at Error. "Let's see how you live without your lovers, the people you truly care for the most..."  She left, closing the portal behind her. Error fell to the floor, whispering to himself. "She's going to get Ink and Geno. She's gonna take them away from me..." I pulled Error up, shaking him. "No she won't. We have to make her realize her mistakes and come to reality. She may be angry now but if we can convince her to change her ways, maybe she'll go back to her self, her REAL self, the old Iris that we once knew." Error thought for a moment and agreed. "Alright but first...."

"Let's get the trio..."

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