Chapter 5: Memory

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Nightmare woke up from his nap, under the tree, he looks up to see Iris and Error looking down at him. "Hey sleeping beauty, how you been???" Error said, cheerfully. Nightmare groaned at being called names, especially from Error. "I thought I told you to stop calling me names dude..." Nightmare said, as he stood up from the grass. "Sorry, not sorry. Anyway, do you want to go to the village to get something to eat and then go to Outertale?" Error asked, with a smile spread across his face. "Sure, I guess..." Nightmare seemed unsure, knowing that most of the villagers hated him for being the embodiment of negativity. Iris looked at him, concerned. "Did they hurt you again? I swear that I will-" "NO! No, not yet. I'm just not comfortable going near the village..." Iris whispered something to Error and he nodded. "You can stay here and we'll get some food and meet you back here so we can go explore Outertale, okay?" Iris said, to calm Nightmare down so he wouldn't go to the village and be picked on. "Ok, I'll wait for you guys here..." Nightmare stood next to the tree (his mom), as Error and Iris headed to the village. A few minutes pass by, his brother Dream, started walking towards him. "Hey brother, I was wondering if you wanted to hang out with me and my friends?" Dream said excitedly. Nightmare shook at the thought of hanging out with his friends. They were shitty and were the main bullies who beat him up daily. "No brother, I'm already going to hang out with Error and Iris." Dream frowned at the metion of their name. "Okay, maybe next time then..." Dream left, without saying anything else. As soon as Dream left, his 'friends' started coming his way. "Well, if it isn't Nightmare. Ready for your daily lesson?" Nightmare frowned as one of them held him to the tree as the other started hitting him with a bat. Nightmare stood there helpless, until one of them were pulled back. Iris had dragged him back and started hitting him repeatedly. Error grabbed the one holding Nightmare against the tree with his strings and threw him to the side. Iris stepped in front of Nightmare, already glaring at these bullies with hatred. "If I ever catch you again hurting my friend, I won't hesitate to destroy your soul..." Iris growled towards them. They left, leaving the three behind. "Are you okay Nightmare? They beat you pretty badly..." Error grabbed something from his bag and handed him a chocolate. "This should regain some of your strength..." Nightmare ate the chocolate, sitting in the grass as Error sat next to him and Iris walking around, protecting them like a guard dog. Dream started running towards their direction and pushed Iris to the ground. "What the heck is wrong with you Iris!?" Dream yelled, as Error helped Iris get up with his strings. "She did nothing wrong, they were hurting Nightmare and she was giving them a taste of their own medicine!" Error yelled at Dream. Nightmare gave some chocolate to Iris and pulled Error away from Dream. "Let's forget about this. Let's go see that universe you were talking about Error..." Error crossed his arms, as Iris was opening a portal to Outertale. "We'll talk about this later Nighty, okay?" Dream said, as they started leaving. After passing through the portal, Iris couldn't help herself but complain about how rude his brother Dream is. "When will Dream ever see that those bastards are bullying you and when will he stop defending them!? He should defend you!" Iris complained. "Let's forget about it, this isn't so we can complain about Dream, we came here to hang out as friends." Error said. Nightmare, Iris, and Error walked towards a clearing in the woods. They layed down, looking towards the sky. "Wow..." Nightmare whispered. Nightmare has never seen so many stars in his life and it took his breath away to see this many stars in this Au. "It's pretty, ain't it? Glad Error found this place." Iris whispered to Nightmare. "You're right, maybe this can be my job." Error whispered. "What do you mean?" Nightmare asked. "You know, finding pretty au's like this, ones that are filled with this many stars..." Error continue. "Well, we'll find out in the future, so Nightmare?" Iris asked mischievously towards Nightmare. "W- what???" Nightmare asked. Iris whispered in his ear, "When will you confess your feelings to Cross???" Nightmare blushed, covering his face. "I DON'T HAVE FEELINGS FOR CROSS!" Nightmare protested. "You so do Nightmare, it's so obvious!" Error said. "Whatever, what about you and spirit, Iris?" Nightmare asked. Iris looked away, a small tint of blush forming on her cheeks. "We're just friends dude, that's it." Iris said calmly. "Yeah right, you never shut up about him everyday!" Error shouted. "THAT'S SO NOT TRUE ERROR!!!" Iris and Error kept arguing about Iris's crush on Spirit is real or not. Nightmare watched them, eating the chocolate that they brought. "Whatever, drop it. Let's just enjoy the stars." Iris and Error looked up towards the stars, as Nightmare ate some chocolate and looking towards the stars as well. "Hey guys...." Iris whispered. "What?" Error and Nightmare whispered back. "Do you think, we'll stay as friends forever?" Nightmare and Error looked at each other and smiled. "Yes we are, stop saying nonsense Iris..." Error whispered back. Iris smiles and continue looking at the stars, enjoying their beauty. Nightmare, Error, and Iris stayed as this for a few hours until Nightmare had to go back home. "Hey, let's bring Cross next time Nightmare." Error giggled as Iris waved Nightmare goodbye, closing the portal. Nightmare sees Dream asleep, and sat next him. "Goodnight Dream..." Nightmare dozed off, sitting next to his brother, Dream I peacefully. Iris goes into her little hideout and lays on her hammock. Iris kept replaying the conversation from earlier. She smiles and falls asleep, waiting for another day of adventure.

~ flashback ends ~

Iris wakes up, feeling tears falling down her cheek. She stays in her hammock, as she hugs herself.

"Why did you lie Nightmare?..."

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