Chapter 11: Reveal

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Ink dropped the file, as everyone was gathered around him, exchanging worried glances between each other. "This can't be...." Nightmare whispered to himself. Everyone continues looking at the empty file until they heard footsteps coming downstairs. Spirit has woken up and saw everyone glance at him. He then noticed the file on the floor. He quickly snatched it from the ground, looking at everyone worriedly. "Why is her file empty...?" Dream asked. Spirit remained quiet, not knowing what to say. ".... she never wanted me to keep a record on her." "WHY!?" Nightmare screamed, being held back by Horror and Dust. Spirit took a step back, startled by Nightmare's yelling. "Why?" Ink repeated the question. Spirit was still holding the file, tightly into his chest. "....I had to respect her choices you know. She was my first friend after all...." "But it's no excuse for you to not do it!" Error yelled, holding his strings on one hand. "You should have seen her!!! Coming to me, tears rolling down her eyes and begging me to erase EVERYTHING about her!!! She said she could never be the same after what she did!!!!" Spirit yelled, tears rolling rapidly down his cheekbones. ".....what did she do?" Fresh asked, his glasses all black. Before he could answer, a portal opens behind him and multicolored strings pulled him in. Error and Nightmare runs towards the portal, successfully making it in before it closes. Ink immediately started tracking them down, as the others started panicking.

Spirit falls on his side as he exited the portal. Nightmare and Error weren't far behind him, landing on their side or feet as they exited the portal. Spirit's soul came into view and was lifted upwards, towards Iris. "YOU MOUTHLESS BASTARD!!!" Iris slaps him, hard. "I thought you wouldn't tell them of my mistake..." She sneered. Nightmare notices her quickly, sending a tendril towards her. "You're not slick Nightmare!!!!" She gets out of the way, sending Spirit to the opposite direction. Iris summoned more sharp bones and sends them straight towards Nightmare. He dodged them quickly as he prepared to send more attacks at her. Iris summons her strings, sending them in every direction she pointed towards. Nightmare stops, realizing the strings aren't heading straight at him but were surrounding him. He tries to get out but the strings wrapped all over him in a cocoon. He was pulled up, his soul coming into view. "What a pretty little apple...." She was holding Nightmare's soul, a dark purple apple. She summons a bone and did a small stab on his soul. Nightmare grunted, as blood was coming out of his mouth. Iris does it again, stabbing his soul more roughly. This resulting in Nightmare screaming out in pain, as blood is slowly coming out of his mouth. Iris was about to finish him off until a sharp bone impaled her in her arm. She lets go of Nightmare as she falls, feeling intense pain as she landed on the ground. "You bastard....." Iris whispered harshly, as she looks towards Error. Error has summoned more attacks as Iris stood up. Error moves his finger, pointing towards Iris. All at once, the sharp bones aim straight towards Iris. She teleports as more bones were sent towards her. Many impaled her arms and body. She screamed, as a bone went straight to her eye socket. She falls to the ground and glares at Error, seeing him unharmed. "Fucking bastard...." She forces herself to stand up, keeping eye contact with Error. She thought quietly, hating herself for letting Error hurt her this badly. "No matter what, you're always better than me!!!!" Iris yells at Error, frustrated. Error smiles, glaring at her. "I am better than you!!!" Error yells, as he summoned more attacks. Something inside Iris snapped, as she glared at Error. "THEN WHY WERE YOU SO EASY TO CURSE!?!?!?"


Silence. Error's attacks disappeared. Nightmare stood up, still bleeding. Spirit remaining silent, as he stared at Iris and Error. "W- what....?" Error whispered. Iris's pupils dilate, as she realized what she said. She covers her mouth, as tears started rolling down her cheeks. "..... I was wrong." Iris turns around, seeing the others have arrived, with Ink in front of them. Dream was covering his mouth, as Swap was looking at Iris and Error. Iris couldn't think of anything else to say, she COULDN'T. She was shaking, her vision becoming blurry as her shaking hand rose, summoning a portal. Everyone was yelling at her to stop but she couldn't hear them. All she heard was ringing in her ears(?). She closed the portal, arriving at her void. She dropped to the ground, tears rolling down her cheekbones as she wails loudly in her void. Her sobbing came out uncontrollably, as tears started to blur her vision more. She held herself in a ball, as more tears came out of her eye sockets. Why did she do it, why did she do it, why did she do it???


What Iris saw as she dropped the code, made her eyes become mountains of tears. She, Nightmare, and Error were hanging out, until Iris started playing with the code in her bag. Error accidentally bumps into her, as he stood up. She pushes the button accidentally and screaming could be heard coming from Error. Iris turned her head quickly, seeing Error on the ground shaking badly, glitches covering his eyesight. Nightmare kneeled down next to him, trying to find out what happened to him. Iris couldn't take the screaming anymore so she ran. Far, far, away. She ran into Spirit as she was running from portal to portal. As she saw Spirit, she started sobbing, begging him to erase everything of her existence. "What!? Why!?!?" That's all Spirit could ask, not receiving an answer from Iris, as she ran off. Spirit stood there, as he suddenly went towards his shelf, pulling out Iris's files. He threw the papers into the fire, seeing them burn as he slowly puts the folder back in the shelf. He didn't know this was the last time he would ever see her again.

~flashback ends~

Iris was still crying uncontrollably, as she was huddling herself into a ball. She heard someone opening a portal. Her head darts up, expecting to see Ink, Error, Nightmare, or Spirit. But it wasn't any of them. She saw Horror standing in front of her. "He's here to kill me..." She started backing away, holding her hand up, begging him not to kill her. "I'm sorry, I'm sorry, please don't -" Iris's eye sockets widen, as she feels Horror's arms wrapping around her, giving her a hug. All Iris could do was cry into his chest, as her tears started staining his jacket. Horror sat there quietly, accepting the small god's embrace. "It's okay...." He whispers to her, in a comforting voice.

"It's okay...."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2023 ⏰

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