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"Hello? Are you awake? Hello?" I turn over to see a young girl staring me down. She gives a light poke to my shoulder.

"AH!" I yell.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to scare you. I'm Jane Hampton," the girl smiles.

"Hi. I'm Josephine Greene. Wait, where am I?"

"I didn't think that jetlag hit that badly. We're in Whitechapel. Well, Ontario, Canada. You're in my house. My mom told me that you're staying with us." It hit me. Yes, I'm in Canada. I was going on an exchange with my aunt and uncle but they couldn't take me at the last minute and I found the Hamptons. I remember Mr. Hampton picking me up from the airport last night.

"Oh yeah. I remember now. Thank you for telling me, Jane." I smile at her. She grabs my arm, trying to pull me from bed.

"I can't believe you're staying with us! I've always wanted a big sister. Especially since my brother's a pain in the ass." I raise an eyebrow at her choice of words.

"How old are you, Jane?"
"Oh, I'm 11 in October."

"Wow, you're old."

"My mom told me you're my brother's age but he acts like the boys at my elementary school," she grumbles. I stand from the bed and a chill shoots down my spine. I bend down to my bag and rummage for a sweater. I retrieve a black zip–up and pull it over my shoulders.

"Geez. It's cold in your house."

"Blame my mom and brother. They're always complaining about the heat. Hey! Want something to eat? My mom made a special big breakfast for you. She said you're probably hungry..." She then averts her eyes from mine. "She also told me not to wake you..."

Jane leads me through the hall down the stairs. I notice the blue wall decorated with a variety of family photos, and a strange photo of the Hampton son catches my attention. About four years old, he's sat at the beach playing in the waves, however, likely due to a camera error, his eyes were completely white. So incredibly pure, they seem to be even reflecting the blue hues of the water. I direct my view away from the photo back to Jane, who has a finger firmly pressed against her lips. We listen as Mrs. Hampton talks to her son. Clearly, he knew nothing of my arrival.

"I want you to be nice to her, Ethan, she's travelled all night and I don't need a sour attitude from you to make her feel unwelcome. And try to keep Benny on close reins. I never know with him and girls," she tuts. With a motion of her head, Jane signals to continue. We enter the kitchen, taking in the delicious smell of breakfast food that fills the room. A plate of toast, scrambled eggs, bacon as well as cereal and milk is laid out on the island. Their son is sitting in the far chair of the island, deeply focused on reading the cereal box. Mr. Hampton skims through the newspaper as Mrs. Hampton pours her husband another cup of coffee. Jane skips over to Mrs. Hampton, whispering to her mom.

"Oh, good morning, Josephine! Hang on, did Jane wake you?" Mrs. Hampton asks, looking at her daughter. Jane shrugs, grabbing the cereal box from Ethan. The content is spilled across the counter followed by an irritated groan from her brother.

"No, it's alright. I was awake when she came in. This for breakfast? Looks great."

"It's nothing much, just something welcoming. Sorry, about these two," she shoots Jane a glare. "Oh, darling, stop standing in the doorway. I imagine you're hungry. Please come, sit down." I take the stool next to Ethan, who has now decided to study the reflection of his spoon.

"So, how did you sleep?" She says pouring a coffee and placing it in front of me.

"Excellent, thank you. My room is perfect! You have such a beautiful house" I reply, reaching for the milk and adding a hefty amount of sugar.

The Calling of Whitechapel | MBSAV FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now