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"That's the third class they've already interrupted," Allison grumbles in disdain as she tosses her bag on a chair beside her.

"Yeah. How much more questioning do they have to do? It's Wednesday, it can't be too much longer," I reply, placing my lunch tray in front of me. I look across the sea of students as the guys emerge from the crowd.

"I have a university application to complete. I can't waste my time with pointless interrogations. I'm starting to think it was just an attack. No one has revealed anything or shown signs of knowing anything," Allison vents, moving her bag and making space for Scott to join her.

"We should discuss that," Ethan suggests. "It's been two days since we found out. Shouldn't we mention that we heard someone scream that night?"

"And that creepy laugh. Remember that?" Benny recalls.

"What if it was just an attack? They have been increasing. I did see a wolf in the forest that night," I say, seeing the blue-eyed creature in my memory. They all pause attention now on me.

"You saw a wolf in the forest?" Stiles asks, exchanging a glance with Scott.

"What did it look like?" Scott inquires.

"Well, I don't know. It was big, black, with deep blue eyes. Odd, right? I can't remember ever seeing a wolf with glowing eyes."

"Why didn't you tell anyone, Jo? The police might have been on a wild goose chase for no reason. We also were there that night and might have been that wolf's next meal," Benny stresses.

"Because I was scared. We had just sped down a dark highway, and I thought something bad was going to happen. My adrenaline was pumping, and I convinced myself it was just nerves."

"Wait, you guys were there Saturday?" Rory exclaims. "Wasn't Sylvia killed that night?"

"Shut up, Rory!" Ethan hushes.

"Sorry for asking. I might have been more across it if I was invited," he sighs, slicing into an apple with a sharp knife. He shoves the piece of fruit into his mouth, attempting to avoid his braces.

"We went on a drive, nothing crazy. We did hear a scream, though-"

"And a cackle. Can't forget the cackle," Benny interjects.

"The point is, we were close by," I explain. "And if we heard that disturbing cry, we have to tell the police."

"We can't!" Stiles argues, catching a strange look from Benny.

"What?" I survey the cafeteria, making sure no one is eavesdropping.

"We can't tell them. Not yet. Can we just wait a little longer?" Scott suggests, seeking support from Stiles.

Suddenly, I feel two hands wrap around my shoulders, squeezing them tightly. "What can't you tell them?" I whip around, shrugging off the person. I meet eyes with Jesse Sanallows, the leader of the drama club. He squints at me, peering deep into my soul. He licks his lips as the other member of his thespian gang appears behind him. "Hello, Josephine Greene. Will I be catching you at my party tonight? I only throw one once a year and they're always a killer," he hisses. "Parents are out of town. There's going to be drinks and games, and I have even arranged for a feast. Well, more like catering."

"What do you want, Sanallows?" Benny says aggressively.

"Am I not allowed to invite the most beautiful girl in the school to my party? I didn't know you were boarding her, Weir."

"I told you already, Jesse. I'm not going," I declare. He looks over at Allison optimistically. "She isn't going either."

"Too bad," he shrugs, leaning in closer to whisper in my ear. "Because tonight you will remember... for eternity." Jesse rises, eyes still focused on me. He turns aoround stalking off to pester someone else. Benny jumps from his seat, giving Jesse a forceful shove in the back. Jesse stumbles forward, casting a furious glare back at Benny.

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