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Ethan leads us into the forest across the road. The clouds overhead are thick and dark, covering the little light the stars provide. The ground is still dry but the terrain is uneven, with loose rocks and roots jutting from beneath the dirt. We keep moving, Benny urges us to keep up our pace as we get deeper into the woods. We approach a split in the road. Eastern Route and Southern Route the sign reads.

"I don't know guys. If we continue on the Northern Route it'll be safer. We can cut onto the main road 3k from here and we won't risk sliding down a wet slope." Benny proposes.

"Yes, but the Eastern Route will save us nearly an hour and we won't have to backtrack. Besides, we should stay off the main roads. There was a body found this weekend and if we stick to the forest it will prevent the risk of being seen."

"Josephine's right, Benny. We already decided to take the east trails. Anyway, what can a couple of dark clouds do?"

"That's what I'm afraid of". We head down the right trail, making our way into the hills.

Moment after moment passes. The wind has picked up, trashing through the higher branches, however, we're protected by the thick trunks. Suddenly, I hear a distant branch snap. I see Benny's head whip in the direction of the sound. Something is watching us, I note. Stalking us from the trees. My skin crawls and I reach for Ethan's arm reassuringly. He stops abruptly. I release my grip, looking worriedly over at Benny, whose vision is still directed at the sound. "Hey, Ethan? Are you okay?" I ask as he shakes his head, snapping out of the state.

"Did you see that?" I furrow my brows, tapping on Benny's shoulder.

"Hey, Buddy. You alright?" Benny asks concerned.

"Yeah. It was nothing. I just saw..." He freezes. Pure horror melts down his face. He opens his mouth to speak but only can manage to squeak. We follow Ethan's gaze. Atop the hill behind us stands a dark figure, a long cloak billowing in the wind. The figure's hood is drawn, with a lantern clutched in hand. It stares at us with curiosity and hunger. It turns away with a whip of its cloak and vanishes into the mist. I feel my heart pounding in my chest. I look over at Benny. A grin appears to be pulling on the side of his mouth.

"Okay, maybe you were right, Benny. We should've gone the other way!" Ethan clenches his hands.

"No, we have to continue! That person didn't harm us, meaning that we can still make it into town and find Sarah," I urge. Ethan nods hesitantly. We all turn back around to continue down the path, however, behind us emerges a girl. She appeared without a sound. Hollow cheeks, with sharp features and ebony hair. She waves emotionless and a leaf falls from her dirt-covered figure. We all let out a scream in terror.

"Silence!" She scolds "There's something else in these woods tonight."

"Who- who are you?" Benny stutters.

"Essadora Latimer... I attend WCH with you... I'm taking the AP courses... I'm in your advisory, Benny!" She groans.

"Really? What are you doing in the woods so late, Essadora?" I ask. Her eyes widen.

"Oh. Um... I just happen to love storms. A satisfactory way of connecting with Mother," she clarifies.

"Is that why our covered in dirt?" Ethan questions. I see a worm fall from her mouth, landing in her palm. She bends down and places it carefully on the ground, watching it wiggle back into the earth.

"Ha, yes! I guess it's true. Sometimes lay in thick soil and sense Mother's arms around me. I melt into the warm, wet dirt and I feel whole," she breathes in an airy tone, rising back to meet us.

"Right... Are you alone?" Benny glances back to the hill with the strange figure.

"My heavens, of course. Time in the earth is for one's reflection never with others. When we die we spend eternity alone in the ground. When my day arrives, I want to be aware of the difficulties of lone suffering."

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