𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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My stomach drops as I realize that Erica will be at school today. Last night I had finally received word Sarah was feeling alright. She had told me that she still had not heard a word from Erica, however, if she possessed the genetic makeup to be a vampire, it would take a day for a fledgling transformation. "It means she might be at school tomorrow." If Sarah is right, we have to face Jesse again. I'm just hoping to see Rory with them.

"Hey, guys. Should I get that old car in my driveway repainted? I could get it re-done and that vampire we stole it from wouldn't know the difference. Gran didn't seem to question where it came from so maybe I could keep it," Benny asks.

"I guess. Our deal with Stiles and Scott ends next week..." Ethan stops talking, eyes fixated. "G-guys..." Benny and I turn our heads in the direction of his eyes. Our jaws drop in unison at the sight. Leaning over the sleek black hood of a sports car, is Erica and Rory, exuding an irresistible presence. Erica seduces our attention with a tight black mini-skirt paired with thigh-high lace tights. Her waist and chest are snatched in a striking red leather halter top, a matching bag over her shoulder. Her body is decorated with elegant silver jewellery, her makeup flawless applied, finished with deep red lipstick and hair curled, cascading down her back.

Meanwhile, Rory lounges in oversized jeans hanging loosely from his hips with the elastic waistband of briefs peeking out. The form-fitting black singlet emphasizes well-defined muscle, straining as he fiddles with car keys swinging between his fingers. His look is finished with a navy cap and dark sunglasses. Erica twirls her golden hair around a finger, silently judging passing students. She occasionally leans over to Rory, removing the red lollipop from her mouth in a sensual lick and muttering insults beneath her breath. He ignores her, reaching for the bottle of sunscreen on the bonnet and squirting the contents into his palm. He applies the thick sunscreen in long wipes down his large arms.

"W-what..." Ethan stutters.

"...the hell," Benny finishes.

Jesse notices our stares and grins, running his tongue over his fangs menacingly. He calls to Erica and she obediently rises, rolling back her shoulders and striding over to the drama club leader. Jesse reaches around her waist, pulling her closer. He whispers into her ear, whilst moving his hand down her back. Erica glares in our direction, tilting her sunglasses down. Rory follows their gaze. Erica whispers back into Jesse's ear, giggling and biting her lip. Rory stands, strolling over to us.

"What the hell happened to you, Rory?!" Benny asks.

"Oh, bro, it's been crazy. After you pussies ran from the house, that's when the fun began!" We continue to stare in shock. His voice has completely changed as well, now deep and cold.

"Rory, what are you talking about... And don't call us pussies. We were about to get eaten for crying out loud!" Ethan says.

"Oh yeah... Well, anyway, I was bitten by this hot chick and it was the worst pain I've ever felt. Then, about five other vamps jumped me. I was pushed to the floor and they began drinking all my blood. Then I fucking died..." He pauses to think for a moment. "Oh yeah, then they ate my entire heart! Who needs that organ anyway, am I right? I woke up at sunrise, with strange salts and plants on me and rubbed into my skin. My heart was back in my chest, what a drag then the leader, Jesse, told me I was now an immortal being with capabilities beyond any I would have ever imagined. He then handed me this golden chalice with pig's blood. Once I had a gulp of it he explained I was a vampire. Pretty neat huh."

"Yeah but what happened to you? You're fucking massive now." Benny and Ethan look at me. "Asking for the group..."

"Sick, right? I guess one of the banging perks of being a vampire is that I'm super strong. It's supposed to be for hunting... Anyway, that's why Erica is hot as hell now." He looks over his shoulder and we all follow his ogling. She strides back to the black sports car.

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