𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧

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I awoke in a sudden gasp for air. My mind comes rushing back in a surge of light. My ears ring vociferously, feeling as if piercing through my skull. Colleymore lets out a deep sigh in relief as I sit up from the floor. I hear Mrs. Matthews arguing with Basia, her shouts echoing throughout the large space. The gym teacher is persistent in her punishment, dishing out a month of detentions.

"B-but you should've heard what she said about m-my scar, Miss," the girl sobs, tears streaming down her cheeks.

"Colleymore told me how relentlessly you were at bullying her on the court, young lady. I'd say it was pretty well deserved." I look back to Colleymore, who is monitoring me cautiously. I reach for my nose to find a tissue damn with blood shoved up my nostrils.

"How are you feeling, Josephine?" He asks.

"As great as one could be after being knocked unconscious," I grumble. He nods uncertainly. "How long was I out for?"

"Only about a minute or so. If you don't feel nauseous or lightheaded we don't have to bring you to the emergency room." I hear the muffled chatter of the other girls, peeking through the gym door window. Mrs. Matthews drags Basia over to me to apologize.

"I'm sorry, Josephine..." She mumbles.

"For what?" Says Mrs. Matthews encourages.

"For hitting a ball at your head on purpose..." Mrs. Matthews looks at me, waiting for a response.

"Is that okay, Josephine?"

"What?" I ask.

"Do you accept Basia's apology?"


'Ugh. Don't try to pull some woke shit, Josephine," I stare at the suddenly hostile Mrs. Matthews. "I'm sick and tired of you bratty girls fighting. I understand that she purposely hit that ball at you but can you please just accept her apology because I will already have to write a report on this and if you want your precious volleyball team to stay..."

"Fine. I accept your apology, Basia," I pause.

"Thank you–" Mrs. Matthews begins.

"But that doesn't change her ugly scar," Basia gasps at my insult. "You and your friend were the ones that said I was too nice."

"You know what, new girl–"

"Cut it out! Both of you... Just– just go home," Colleymore tries to defuse the situation.

"Fine," Basia rolls her eyes. "See you around. And I hope you enjoy my next volleyball game from the nosebleeds," she struts off. I rip the soggy tissue from my nose, scrunching it in my palm. Mrs. Matthews lets out a reluctant sigh, letting Basia free and moping over to her office. Colleymore helps me from the floor as I wobble to stand, regaining my balance. I lean on him as he leads me to the locker rooms, clinging to his shoulder.

"You're good from here?" He asks.

"Yeah, thanks." I push on the girl's door.

"Oh, and between you and me, you were much better than her," he whispers, smiling brightly. I let out a weak smile back, entering the locker rooms. The other girls changing stare at me with heated intensity, watching me closely as I reach the showers. I fumble through my things, tugging on my track pants and sweater, letting my hair fall over my shoulders. I gather my things, shoving them into Ethan's duffle bag. I don't want to stay in this dreaded place any longer. I leave the showers, the locker rooms now deserted.

With a limp in my step, I hurriedly make my way to the exit, the flickering lights of the locker room dim, plunging the room into darkness. Panic surges through me as I yank on the door handle, finding it stubbornly jammed. My heartbeat quickens in fear and frustration at this simple trap. I hear the faint snickering of girls from the other side of the heavy wood. Basia and her gang of wolves. I flop down on one of the benches, the sharp wood splintering through my legs. I pull out my phone to dial Ethan. No answer. I try Benny. No answer. I sigh, watching the last light bulb blink out. My shiver goes down my spine and a sudden deep groan alerts my attention. I instinctually whip my head around to locate the source of the unsettling sound.

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