𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐒𝐞𝐯𝐞𝐧

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"Okay, who has the directions? Do I need to search them up?"

"No, it's alright. I know where it is." Ethan grumbled, pulling out of the driveway. We smoothly hit the street, cruising in the Hamptons car toward Grinder's Diner. Benny leaned over the back seat, getting closer to the conversation in the front. He was a real gentleman, opening the passenger's seat door for me and offering to ride in the back.

Ethan drove us through the forest, from the upper suburbs into town. The trees stood tall, not as densely packed as in the outer forest, but within the suburban parts of town, they cast an eerie shadow. The waning moon struggled to illuminate the spaces between the trees, leaving only faint glimpses of owls swooping through the darkness.

We rolled down the main street, and it was my first time seeing the town at night. Ethan had taken me into town a few times during the week, helping his mom with groceries and collecting a car part. He also suggested we stop by the convenience store if I needed anything.

"Allison texted me. She's there. I'll tell her?"

"10 minutes," Benny calls from the back.

"Oh shit! She said the guys were pulled over. Stiles said he didn't have a license, did he?"

"Yeah so?" Ethan questions.

"Well, how can Stiles drive a car if he doesn't have a license?"

"You can get your license at 16 and your full a month after that. Besides that, most of the time the police don't care. Small town, with light law enforcement. It's too unreliable to get the bus anywhere, especially in winter and walking is out of the question,"

"And his dad's the sheriff," Benny laughs.


"Yeah. If you want I can teach you to drive," Ethan offers. I look back down at my phone, about to reply to her message but the white screen switches to black, a red battery flashing before me. Shoot, outta juice.

The town was unsettling at night. It wasn't ghostly; there were plenty of people on the streets, and cars passing by. Yet, it felt off-putting. Inside the cozy shop windows, customers filled restaurants, squeezing into small, crowded spaces for the weekend night. Others sat in the town square, enjoying the last of warm night air. We continued through to the other side of town, heading down the main road.

In the distance, a vibrant neon sign appears, "Grinder's Diner" flashing in bright blue and yellow overhead. We pull into the small parking lot, passing by Stiles' blue Jeep. Parking in a spot next to him, we step out of the car. Glancing through the window, I spot Alison seated at a booth with Stiles and Scott, a hint of nervousness on her face. Benny leads the way, the doorbell chiming as we enter. He waves to to trio, Scott turns to greet us as Stiles rises, a welcoming smile on his face.

"Glad you guys made it!" Stiles exclaims, reaching in for a friendly handshake with Benny, followed by a hearty pat on the back. He then gestures for us to take our seats. I slide in next to Allison, with Stiles sitting across from me. Benny flops beside him, and Ethan takes the seat next to me.

"Hi!" Allison greets us cheerfully. However, she leans in closer to whisper in my ear, "Save me."

"Why?" I whisper.

"It's been so awkward. They keep asking questions and I feel like I am being arrested."

"I'm here now," I smile, squeezing her hand reassuringly.

"Hey, Jo!" Scott grins. "Benny, Ethan. So, what will everyone be having?"

"Uh, what is there?"

"Ooo, Jo, get the bacon burger. It's a killer!" Benny suggests.

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