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Upon entering the main entrance, there is the grand foyer of the old building, where polished marble floors sparkle beneath the soft glow of modern light fixtures. Elaborate tapestries hang from the walls, depicting scenes of knights and demons, a nod to the castle's past warfare. The scent of old books mingled with the freshness of newly printed paper, as the castle had been transformed into a school.

Ethan leads me through a heavy wooden door, to the office. The room is empty. We approach the front desk, and on cue, a small old lady pops up from behind the desk. Her tight grey ringlets of hair bounce as she suddenly stands, and she welcomes us closer with a warm smile. Ethan begins to converse with the secretary, asking about class placement and a schedule. The old lady nods, leaving to fetch a copy. I look around the room to admire more of the amazing architecture. Soft plush red carpet lies beneath our feet, and rows of cabinets line the walls. Behind the desk, a mural is painted. Blacks, blues, and purples cover the wall, displaying a scene of war. A heavy-set man slices the throat of a beast with eyes of red. Large black wings protrude from the creature's back, ridged and jagged, drenched in blood. Fire engulfs the town behind the battle, with distant bodies caught in flames. Wolves stalk the edge of the fight, chewing the remains of fallen soldiers as the animated hands cling to the fur of the animals. A sudden scent of cologne wafts through the air as the lean boy appears behind me. His sunglasses are now removed from his eyes, but the trench coat remains on.

"Hello, Josephine," the leader of the drama club says in a dark tone. It was not as friendly as the old lady. I glance at Ethan, who looks just as stunned.

"Hi..." I reply cautiously.

"Do you enjoy this mural?" He asks.

"I guess. It's very violent for a school."

"Well, that's just Whitechapel High."

"How so?" I question.

"We have a rich history in this town, however, a very bloody past. See that man in the middle?" I nod. "He's a relative of mine, slaying many enemies that threatened us. Nevertheless, he died for his cause."

"You're talking about the large man in uniform?"

"Sure... I'm throwing a party at my mansion next Wednesday. I was wondering if you'd like to come," he says handing me a slip of paper. His hand is cold to the touch. "I'm Jesse, by the way."

"Okay... I don't know how they do it in Canada, mate. But ain't it weird to throw a piss up on a Wednesday?" His expression is stone.

"Oh, it's just a tradition. Y'know it'll be a new moon that night, and new moons represent the beginning of a new era and the start of school. So..."

"Maybe. I've just arrived and don't know if I should be running around with strange people."

"Well, if you change your mind, you can find me before school by the black Mustang, but I think you already knew that." I gulp. "Don't think I didn't see you watching us." He grins. Then he notices Ethan, frowning. "Do me a favour, don't bother bringing this geek." He then strides out of the office and rejoins his group. The old lady comes back, placing a sheet of paper in front of her. Ethan turns towards me.

"Geeze, what was that about?" Ethan whispers.

"This is your class schedule, dear. Five periods per day for an hour each. Starting at 8:30 is homeroom, and Ethan mentioned that he wanted you in his advisory. Recess and lunch are after your period 1 and 3 classes. You can pay with cash or purchase a lunch card, which can be loaded with credits. You can ask Mr. Runderfield about the cards. And see Mme. Dourbay tomorrow for the clubs, committees, and teams list to join, but they're also hung on the bulletin board outside the office," the lady explains with a nod. "Oh, hello, Ethan. You're in AP Science this year, aren't you smart, boy? Are you and Mr. Weir trying out for lacrosse this Friday? You'll finally bring a win home this season."

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