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The old car rumbles into Ethan's driveway. We lurk to a halt and Benny removes the tape from the car wires. I support Sarah putting her arm around my shoulders as she stumbles inside. The door swings open and I help her to the couch. Jane is sitting on the floor watching the Dusk trailer, while Benny's grandma is sound asleep in the armchair.

"About time, I'm so bored- What the hell happened to you?" Jane asks.

"Jane, language! And keep it down, we don't want to wake Granny Evelyn," Ethan reprimands. "Can you go get some ice, Jane?" Ethan asks his sister and the girl leaves the room. "I'll get some bandages to stop the bleeding. Vampires can heal themselves, right?" Sarah moans in discomfort.

"Well, she's still a fledgling maybe it takes longer," Benny theorizes.

"Yeah," Ethan hurries upstairs to fetch the bandaids. I reach for the remote and turn off the television as Jane returns with ice and a dish towel. I wrap the ice in the cloth and hand it to Sarah.
"So, are you going to tell me what happened and why my babysitter is bleeding on Mom's white sofa?"

"Um... how about we let your brother explain," I suggest.

"Fine, whatever. But Granny Evenly passed out five songs ago and she has like, zero boom boom pow. Can we please play now?"

"I'm sorry I gotta go," Sarah says trying to regain her balance. Ethan returns with the bandaids and hands them to Sarah. She fumbles to the kitchen, we heed behind her. "Just please be careful and don't tell anyone about... you know."

"Um, yeah, sure, I'm cool. And no one believes anything Benny says anyway," Ethan replies, and Benny shrugs.

"I'm serious, and whatever you do, do not invite a vampire into your house, it's your only safe haven."

"Wait you're leaving?" I ask.
"Well, yeah. I have to find Erica. Here, I'll give you my number if something happens," I hand her my phone.
"What about me, can I have your number?" Benny winks.

"No." She hands back my phone and makes her way to the door. She looks back before she leaves. "And remember what I said?" Ethan and I nod.
"Say hi to Erica for me." The door shuts behind her with a bang. Benny's grandma lets out a deep snore from the other room. "So... anyone hungry?" He says looking through Ethan's freezer. 'Pizza, score!" He pulls out the frozen pizza, throwing it to the counter. At the same time, Benny's phone begins to ring. "It's Rory. Do I even bother picking up?"

"What the heck." Ethan takes the pizza, removes it from the cardboard and flicks the oven on. I take a seat on the island, adding Sarah to my contact list. A blaring music comes from Benny's phone.

"Hey Benny, wazzup!" Rory speaks from the phone.

"Wazzup," Benny replies irritated, placing his phone on the counter, putting it on speaker.


"You guys are lame, that's wazzup," Ethan says taking out a tray and placing it on the counter.

"Hey, Rory."

"If I'm so lame, how am I chillaxing at the most slamming party in town?" Ethan looks up at me, confusion on his face.

"Wait-wait, did we miss another mathletes event?"
"Seriously, the mathletes?" I joke.

"Benny wanted to join."

"No, dude a real party! At this huge mansion. And almost all the people here are university students. Including the girls," Ethan and Benny exchange smirks. "Hey beautiful, like what you see? Guys, this party is off the hook!"

"How'd you get in?" Benny says pouring three glasses of soda. The oven beeps and Ethan slides in the tray of pizza. I take a glass from Benny as he puts the bottle back in the fridge.

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