𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐓𝐡𝐫𝐞𝐞

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"Thanks," she says, chucking the paper in the bin.

"No problem. Say, are you Sarah Fox?" I ask, trying to continue the conversation. Why am I still talking to her? Why did I come after her? She clearly wants nothing to do with me. I reach for more paper towels, handing it to her. She takes the paper towel from my hand.

"Yeah, why?" I now stand next to her.

"Because I'm new, as you seem to know, and besides talk about me being a transfer, I hear about you," I say.

"Argh. What do you hear about me? Come on, get it over with." She throws the dry paper towel, missing the bin.

"Umm... That you have a senior boyfriend-"

"Jesse's not my boyfriend anymore. It's complicated."

"You're best friends with Erica Bancroft..."

"I hope so. I haven't been the best of friends lately."

"And... you were like a nerd last year or something and then had a glow-up over the summer..."

"Oh, please. Everyone keeps saying that. Apparently, I've become "beautiful" and "fit" and "desirable" but I don't know what's so great about it. I feel the same," she says looking into the mirror. I follow her gaze. "I used to be kind, straight As, on the soccer team. Now I'm rude to everyone, I'm not in any of my AP classes and I spend all my free time running around with Jesse and his idiotic gang of theatre freaks." Her reflection starts to flicker, moving from solid to transparent. I let out a small gasp. Where is her reflection? "Anyway, thanks for helping," she smiles. I try to pull my eyes away from the mirror but I'm fixated. Soon I can see the broken stall behind her, the only part of her face remaining being sharp teeth. "Oh, and tell your friend that it was no biggie. What was his name?"

"It's Ethan Hampton," I snap back to reality. Sarah's reflection is all there. Am I going crazy?

"Hampton? Alright then."

"Hey, do you want to have lunch with me?" I offer.

"Um... I don't think I should. Thank you for the invite though." She sighs. "How about we walk back together?"

"Sure!" I accept.

We return to the cafeteria. I spot Ethan, Benny and Rory by the window, who are all hunched over together. They watch Erica, who's sat at a table advertising a theatre showing for the final Dusk movie. She watches her computer, eating her lunch as she recites the romantic words of the love interest. Two girls approach Erica and she offers a friendly smile, pausing her video and putting down her lunch. There's an exchange of money and Erica jots down on a notepad as the two girls signal for more of their friends over. They flock to Erica's table drawn by her popularity and the enticing tickets she provides. Erica's somewhat popular it seems, I assume. Rory notices me and swats Ethan on the arm. Benny waves at me, urging me over to their table. I feel people staring at me again. Whispers of, "Oh my god, did the new girl's befriend Sarah Fox?!" I turn to Sarah.

"Well, bye then. I'll see you around. You also have to tell me where you got that shirt."

"Sure, maybe we could go shopping one time?" She smiles.

"Sounds great. I'll find you on MySpace." I make my way to the trio, who are all gaping. I sit down next to Benny, who opens his mouth to speak but is cut off by Rory.

"What was she like?" Ethan pushes his tray over to me, a slice of pizza, a mandarin and a bag of chips he bought for me.

"Yeah, tell us everything, Jo," Benny joins.

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