𝐂𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝐅𝐨𝐮𝐫

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I wash away the stress of the day, wiping off my makeup and brushing my teeth. I comb through my hair, tying it back for the night. With a flick of the bathroom light, my room plunges into darkness, the streetlight outside being the only illuminance. I make my way to bed, slipping off my sweater and throwing it on the chair. Climbing into bed, I reach for my phone to pause my music. Taking a deep breath, I enjoy the serenity of the night, allowing my eyes to adjust to the dark. This room is not how I would decorate it. I appreciate the Hamptons for taking me in however this town does not feel welcoming. I remember back to the guy in the hallway. "What was his name again?" I think out loud. An owl hoots from outside, the wind tapping on the window. "And what's up with Sarah and that freaky drama club?" I say standing from my bed. Careful making my way through the dark to my window, I lean on the chair to watch the bird perched in the tree. My stomach drops when I see the figure standing in my yard. The person's shaggy black hair blows in the wind, feet planted in the grass. Their entire body is shady and I can only make out glowing eyes, burning with desire. Across the road is parked a black motorcycle, gas steaming from the exhaust pipe. A sudden crash from Ethan's room diverts my attention, followed by a yell. I look back outside, the person and his bike are gone. I rise from the chair, a little unsteady on my feet, my mind swirling, fearful of the figure outside. Open my door slowly, I creep to Ethan's room quietly. From outside his door, I hear yelling. I listen in.

"I know she's hot but you can't live with me, dumbass. Also, stop commenting on everything, she looks very uncomfortable," Ethan argues. "DON'T SAY THAT, BENNY! She's living here I'm not gonna-" I knock on the door cutting him off mid-sentence. "SHIT!" He says, freaking. He fumbles in the room, objects are knocked to the floor followed by a loud bang as he trips over. I wait for a moment before he replies. "Come in". I enter and see Ethan on a video call with Benny.

"Mate, why the fuck are you so close?" I laugh at Benny whose face takes up the entire screen.

"What are you talking about? I can't hear you," he says, getting closer to the camera.

"Hey, Ethan. Can I talk to you?" I ask. Benny not so subtly winks, cueing Ethan to immediately hang up. Benny opens for one last word but he's gone without a goodbye. Ethan swings around on his chair.

"Of course. I was done talking to that dickhead anyway. What's up?" I sit down on his bed.

"Well... I know I'm new here and it could be because I'm nervous about being new but does something feel weird to you? Like, whenever you talk to one of those drama club guys, your throat closes up and you suffocate? I know it's stupid but-"

"No, it's not stupid. I've been living here my whole life and I know what you mean." He stands up from his chair coming over to the bed. "Something big is gonna happen and I don't know what, but I can feel it, y'know?"

"Yeah. Like something unexplainable, right?" He nods. I gaze into his eyes, zoning out. His eyes feel deep, dark with depth and mystery. I snap back. "Whatever. It's probably nothing. Thanks for talking though," I say, reaching for the back of his hand. When I make contact he freezes, not even a breath escapes him. He comes back to reality, heaving with confusion.

"What the hell? What was that? Did you see that too?" I stare at him worried, shaking my head. Suddenly, Mrs. Hampton enters Ethan's room, turning on the light and making me squint in the brightness. I retract my hand suddenly as light engulfs the room.

"Hey, Eth- Oh!" She doesn't expect to see me. "Jo, I didn't know you were in here... Why are you in here?" I stand up quickly, shuffling to the door, realising the awkwardness of his mother finding me in his room. I now stand next to Mrs. Hampton, her face contorting into puzzlement.

"Oh... it's just that... I... uh... um... am very nervous about school and being in a new place, and I thought that Ethan would understand. But it's nothing... it's just nerves and a lack of sleep and-"

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