Ponyboy x Y/N: dancing in the rain

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Ponyboy p.o.v

Today was a Saturday and every Saturday, me and y/n go would have some alone time. Darry, soda, Steve, was at work..Two-bit was at Buck's and, johnny went to the sods shop with dally downtown town. So we were home alone.

We were siting on the couch watching a Micky Mouse cartoon, they were snuggled into my side; while I stood up properly. They were in thier pjs wearing socks with scooby doo pictures on them, I chossw to wear a get t-shirt, with blue pj pants with sock as well. As we watched TV, it began to rain.

Y/n walked to the window and looked out, it wasn't thundering but raining. They hummed as they watched the rain fall, I got up and wrapped my arms around them; and kissed their neck. With one hand the rubbed my hair and sighed.

"That's rain looks lovely dosen't it sweetheart?"

"Indeed it does darling."

As we gazed ou they window, we heard music from down town planting for miles. They perked up and got excited; it was song we danced to when we had our first date. We smiled warmly as we gazed through the window. I then decided to pull them outside into the rain, there confused face tickled me. I gently grabbed their hands into a dancing position. The waltz.

They blushed and smiled, with the rain falling in our hair. As the music played we both started dancing, with grace.

(Idk u guys favort song, so here's mine)

Y/N p.o.v

Me and ponyboy danced in the rain, as the music played loudly. We were in the middle of the road dancing the night away. I felt like a Disney princess/prince. His arms were wrapped around my body as we dance with such grace. We k ew darry would kill us if he knew- but we didn't care. Our skin was wet, our socks were socks, wet till we could feel the water on our feet.

I loved this boy so much, and I just smiled in per bliss. We both kissed as brfore the song ended. One hand was  around my waist and they other in the back of my hair. And my hands were caressing his cheeks. We both smiled as our lips touched. After our dance was over, we just stood there Hugging in the rain; with his head on top of mine and my face was pressed against his chest.

"I love u pony"

"I love you too my princess/prince"

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