Dally x fem y/n: 🔪🌸 different worlds🔪🌸

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Dally p.o.v

As another rumble came to a end, all I wanna do is go home to y/n. She's too adorable to be real, she's not the fighting type. She don't drink, cuss, or smoke. Y/n's innocent nature was too adorable, and the opposite of me. And I loved it. Her kindness is something I needed; but she still keeps me on my toes. I stretched and went home to the Curtis house- pony and the others went out to get a few drinks. So it'll be the two of us.. perfect.

When I got to the Curtis house, I saw y/n asleep on the couch. I chuckled and closed the door behind me- she was fast asleep. Seeing her beautiful when she was asleep made me smile, and made my cheeks warm. I brushed some of her hair out her face, and pushed it gently behind her ear.

"Golly, she's too cute."

I whispered to myself. I brushed her cheek and my finger gently traced over her lips, I picked her up and brought her upstairs. I put her in bed and I just planted a kiss on her lips; without out a word I washed up, changed clothes and slept on the couch. The next morning I woke up from someone talking, I opened my eyes slightly to see y/n. She had my head on her thighs and playing my hair; her voice was so soft, innocent, pure and beautiful.

In my opinion her voice made me feel like I could frolic through a flower field, with the summer breeze blowing gently flowing in each direction. She played in my hair as I kept my eyes closed; I felt a smile creeping on my face. For te first time I'm a long time. But it sound more like she was singing a small lullaby; I could listen to her voice all day.

Y/n p.o.v

I ran my fingers through his hair and sang a lil lullaby, I looked down at him still singing and I can see a smile on his face. He was awake. Sometimes I tried to be bold like him and do things like him but- that's not me. I gently lead downward to his lips and gave me a small kiss, and that's my first kiss actually. Dally ment everything to me. And I love him.

Dallys eyes open and he smiled at me, his hand then went to caress my cheek; I smiled and let out a small giggle feeling his touch.

"Morning doll" (Dally)

"Morning love.. how'd u sleep?"

"It's was alright but the only thing that keeps me satisfied, is when I come home to u." (Dally)

My cheeks got warm and I just blushed; he took my hand and kissed it gently. I felt his lips curled into a smirk and he chuckled sitting up, he pulled me in his arms and held me there. Last night was supposed to be date night but he went to a rumble- so he'd told me he'll make it up to me.

"Doll I wanna take u somewhere." (Dally)


"Yes~ no go get dressed and come back. I'll be waiting." (Dally)

I did as told and got up from the couch, but I blushed deep red when I felt him slap my ass. I turned to see him smirking and he chuckled.

"I love that nightgown~" (dally)

My night was slick, a lil short and had lace around the neck v shape. I blushed at his compliment and went upstairs. He made me feel this I never thought I would. After washing up I got dressed.

Dally p.o.v

I blushed and watched her go upstairs to get changes. In my heart I can't let her go- she's too sweet. Just like she thought I was asleep when she kissed me; although I took her first kiss last night. I chuckled and decided not say anything about it, I just let her have. Y/n's too precious 😍

Y/n p.o.v

I wore a pink dress with flowers, my sun hat and saddles with brown straps on my ankles. But before putting on my saddles I put on my silver ankle bracelet. I hope he likes it. I came downstairs ready and I saw him with his back turn putting on his coat- I called his name to get his attention. and when be did, he blushed pink.

"I'm ready."

"U look beautiful doll~" (dally)

"Thank u."

He walked over to me and kissed my hand, I wad about to grab my purse but he said leave it. I didn't know what he was up to but I trust him- he then gave me my flower basket and took me in town. I normally liked to walk with dally but he surprised me- he gently placed me on a motorcycle and he placed my basket on the handle, he go on after and told me to hold onto him.

I blushed feeling the closeness between us, I blushed as the bike began to rumble. I held onto him as he drove until we reached town, I smiled feeling the wind brushing against my cheeks. I'm surprised my hat didn't fly off.
Everyone gave us stares. A tough guy and a gentle lady. Dally ignored everyone's stares; I wish I was like that. Not care what everyone else thinks.

But when go into town he brought me to a green house that just opened; I was confused till it clicked when we got inside. Dally took me flower picking, and I loved flowers. I blushed looking at the flowers.

"Like it?" (Dally)

"I love it."

The inside was beautiful. The sun shine made everything alive, and butterflies flying. I know dally hates mostly everything but he took me some place I loved to see me happy, he carried my flower basket as I picked flowers. Dally then put a flower in my hair beside my ear, and I blushed. Many people looked at us in confusion or disappointment. Just because we're too different worlds. But idc.

After flower picking he took me out for ice cream, and then we enjoyed ourselves at the park. We trades ice creams and enjoy each other's company. Some people say we should find our own kind. Like dally goes with a tough girl, dally was about to respond bit I beat him to the punch.

"Fuck off."

I blushed and covered my mouth in realization; dally just laughed his ass off. As did I.

"I love u doll." (Dally)

"I love u too."

We held hands as we ate ice cream and enjoyed our time together.



Well I hope yall enjoy this story, and I just made this for fun. But anyway I hope yall enjoy, yall come back now. And if yall got any requests go ahead and drop them in the comments, now don't forget to follow, leave a comment and vote for more craziness.

I love each and everyone of yall: ✌💕

All yall my babies 💋.

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